A Conversation for The Café
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Aug 31, 2007
Irv, I think you should look at the IIEM language filter; it may need changing.
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Irving Washington Posted Aug 31, 2007
*IIEM creates a somewhat suspect beverage*
[IIEM]: Here go, Irv.
*Irv arches his eyebrow*
I see what you mean, Lil. IIEM, power down for a second, I need to check your settings.
[IIEM]: Cannot I do that, Irv.
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Dizzy the Void Posted Aug 31, 2007
[Yar] Uh. [pokes it] Now what do we do?
[Mog] I don't know, everything I can think of involves high-powered implements of destruction!
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Sep 1, 2007
*goes behind the counter and rummages in a cabinet* We had some language filters in a box here somewhere that summer when I worked here. There were plain ascii ones, which is all I used, and then a box of... here.
Oh, these are the fancy ones. *opens box and holds up a succession of honeycombed paper filters. Each has a different color band around the edge with some ornate printing in gold* This one says Shakespeare, this one says Melville, this one is Martin Heidegger, here's a Phillip K. Dick... see, all kinds. *hands the box to Irv*
Whatever you do, let's not try the Heidegger. I suspect that would make a very heavy cup of coffee.
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Dizzy the Void Posted Sep 1, 2007
[Yar] Ah, Heidegger, I read some o' his stuff in my existentialism class last semester ... *checks smileys* ... smeg, no "philosophy" smiley ... I suppose comes close ... or maybe
[Yar suddenly jumps up and almost spills his drink]
[Yar] Wait a minute! How come there's a smiley, but no !?
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Hati Posted Sep 1, 2007
Considering how long sentences Heidegger could build up, I think that would get very cold before IIEM agrees to give it out.
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Dizzy the Void Posted Sep 1, 2007
[Yar freezes in his infuriated pose, eyes shifting back and forth for a moment, then he turns to Hati and bows]
[Yar] Thou makest a pretty awesome point there, Hati. *yawns* Man ... I just stayed up until 3:30 AM reading one of the old adventure-threads with Affy, where we were up against that Anti-Affy dude ... had me in stitches, part of it ... too bad we never finished that one ... though I can understand, I'd never be able to sustain the energy to /run/ one of those things ... [falls over and kerflops]
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Montana Redhead (now with letters) Posted Sep 1, 2007
*bounces around the room for a moment, then settles down*
Wow! That's some caffeine. Don't think I'll have that again, though. A bit...much.
IIEM, could I get something a touch *less* caffeinated? Iced tea, maybe?
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence Posted Sep 1, 2007
Offhand, Yar, I can't think of any adventures that have ever ended, except maybe the mystery at Lord Reflection's mansion or the Marie Celeste, or the Mother of All Gooses. Those were all moderated in one way or another, now that I think about it.
All the others seem to have just, well, stopped happening.
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Irving Washington Posted Sep 1, 2007
I'm pretty sure I ran the Lord Reflection thing, and I can't remember for the life of me how it ended...
IIEM, you're scaring me. Just power down for a while, so that I can make sure you're operating correctly, Ok?
[IIEM]: *hums menacingly for a moment, then appears to shut off*
Okay, now let me see those filters again, Lil.
*Starts rummaging through*
Hmmm... Shakespear, Byron, what the... Chekov? Why would we even have that? Heilen doesn't sound like a great idea, either. LiveJournal??? No, no, no! Ah, here we are, these are better... What do you think, guys? Should I use the Roddenberry, Rowling, or Adams filter?
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Irving Washington Posted Sep 1, 2007
Was that a vote for Charles or Douglas Adams?
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Dizzy the Void Posted Sep 1, 2007
[Yar jerks around to face Irving and points]
[Yar] *Strong Bad imitation* Douglas!
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Irving Washington Posted Sep 1, 2007
Okay, well, since I'm in agreement, we'll just open up the IIEM and... what's this?
*As Irv opens the IIEM's casing, he notices something*
Someone's replaced the original Hitchhiker brand Babel Fish that powers the language filter with a cheap knock off. Looks like, yep, there's the Alta Vista logo... That explains a lot....
Now who's been making repairs on the cheap?
*Hangs sign up that reads: "IIEM out of service 'til further notice. Please use IIFP" The sign points to the Infinite Improbability French Press*
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Santragenius V Posted Sep 1, 2007
IIEF, can I have a much needed post-dinner , please?
*watches as IIEF goes through cycles of steam and filters and pressing*
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Irving Washington Posted Sep 1, 2007
Well, I put in a service request with CLI to have them come look at the IIEM. Hopefully we'll have that back up to speed in no time.
Looks like the IIEF has been doing well so far. How's that taste, SV?
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
Irving Washington Posted Sep 1, 2007
*Fizz begins bubbling from the bottom of the IIEF, which eventually becomes a spray of soda high into the air, comes down, and lands in a glass, perfectly chilled, and (miraculously) doesn't go flat*
Key: Complain about this post
The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)
- 101: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Aug 31, 2007)
- 102: Irving Washington (Aug 31, 2007)
- 103: Dizzy the Void (Aug 31, 2007)
- 104: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Sep 1, 2007)
- 105: Dizzy the Void (Sep 1, 2007)
- 106: Hati (Sep 1, 2007)
- 107: Dizzy the Void (Sep 1, 2007)
- 108: Hati (Sep 1, 2007)
- 109: Montana Redhead (now with letters) (Sep 1, 2007)
- 110: Hati (Sep 1, 2007)
- 111: Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence (Sep 1, 2007)
- 112: Irving Washington (Sep 1, 2007)
- 113: Dizzy the Void (Sep 1, 2007)
- 114: Irving Washington (Sep 1, 2007)
- 115: Dizzy the Void (Sep 1, 2007)
- 116: Irving Washington (Sep 1, 2007)
- 117: Santragenius V (Sep 1, 2007)
- 118: Irving Washington (Sep 1, 2007)
- 119: Dizzy the Void (Sep 1, 2007)
- 120: Irving Washington (Sep 1, 2007)
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