A Conversation for The Café

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 81

Irving Washington

coming right up.

How is work today, Lil?

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 82

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

It hasn't been too bad. It's always the little end-of-day accounting details that get me, especially since the uplink to Santa Fe is currently broken.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 83

Irving Washington

I like your updated user name, Lil. At first it made me think of the concept of going out and purchasing sin at, say, Wal*Mart (always low prices). That sounded a little too closely fetched, and then it made me picture Lucifer in the roll of collections agent:

This is your FINAL NOTICE. Your account for ___Gluttony__ is past due, and has been forwarded to Prince of Lies, Inc. for collections. Please make a payment in the amount shown to the Prince of Lies immediately to avoid further adverse action.

Thank You,
Pizza Hut

Of course, the only way to avoid collections is to declare yourself Morally Bankrupt.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 84

Dizzy the Void

[Mog appears in a puff of purplish-cyanish smoke, looking momentarily like a Final Fantasy XII moogle, then in a sort of humanoid form dressed up in a blue overcoat with a Mandarin collar, which comically morphs back into the usual version of Mog. He dusts himself off and walks over to the counter.]

[Mog] IIEM, I'd like a usual.

[IIEM] Right, a triple espresso with an extra shot of espresso, and a shot of espresso on the side (with an extra shot of espresso).

[Mog] And make it strong this time. Gee, it feels like I've been away for over a year and a half! smiley - weird ... Wait a minute!

[Another moogle runs in, sets up a drum kit, plays a *badum-tsh* on it, then disassembles the drum kit and runs back out again.]

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 85

Irving Washington

You, too, eh?

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 86

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hello Yar! And supporting cast, as usual. smiley - smiley

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 87

Dizzy the Void

[Yar] [pokes his head in] Well, mostly just because Mog's ... sort of part of being here, as far as I'm concerned, I guess, heh. And you couldn't call it "Mog's usual" if Mog wasn't here, yeah? smiley - winkeye

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 88

Irving Washington

Actually, it's one of the most popular drinks since I've returned.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 89

Dizzy the Void

[Yar] Oh, well then. [shrugs] I think I'll have a cream soda, then. No ice.

[He walks in, revealing that he's dressed in his usual bright red jacket, H2G2 T-shirt, and blue jeans outfit; then he sits down at the counter to sip at his order. Mog has mysteriously vanished.]

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 90

Irving Washington

Well, good night all, see you in 8 hours or so.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 91


Hi Yar, long time no see.

I was thinking of you, Lil, the other day when I went to our local post office. They had a new girl there who didn'tknow at all what she was doing and kept repeating OMG, OMG. And then I thought why I don't know anyone in the post office...

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 92

Santragenius V

*sits drinking a hot something with caffeine that materialised all by itself*

...unlike at w**k today where I walked to the kitchen, discovered the last guy had emptied the pot without starting a new one (he walked out after I came in, for Bob's sake - even in the presence of witnesses, he didn't break down and put on coffee smiley - cross), sighed and started a new one.

While waiting for the smiley - coffee, I got an inquiry, dealt with it and returned to find ... an empty smiley - coffee pot. smiley - steam Sighed _and_ swore, put on a pot and hund around, defending it almost with a kitchen knife until it had dripped through.

The IIEM is much, much more preferable!

(loved the *badum-tsh* smiley - laugh)

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 93

Irving Washington

I thought I posted already... huh. Apologies if this posts twice.

The other day, I also made a fresh pot of coffee at work and was unable to drink it due to client interference smiley - grr

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 94

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Second in order of iniquity is the person who walks off with the only spoon at the coffee area. smiley - cross

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 95

Irving Washington

That is so true!

Welcome to Friday, everyone!

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 96

Dizzy the Void

[Yar] Heh, yeah. TGIF, everyone! smiley - ok [drinks his soda]

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 97

Irving Washington

Does the UK get Monday off, too? Or just U.S.? What about Canadia (you know, where Canadians come from?) and other countries represented here?

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 98


Not only that Estonia doesnät have Monday off, kids here will have to go to school tomorrow.

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 99

Titania (gone for lunch)

Mog! Yar! Uh - great to see you guys again!smiley - boing

[IIEM]: Vanilla latte!

Oh - why - yes indeed...*sits down and sips on her latte*

The Cafe: Irving Returns (after a fashion)

Post 100

Irving Washington

Hey, IIEM, can you make me something special for my early weekend?

[IIEM]: That's be just a minute, Irv.

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