A Conversation for The Café

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Post 81

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

ah well, but we have the wwj for this smiley - winkeye
maybe it's because they don't serve this beautiful coffee you get here - and don't have Helena to serve it?

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Post 82

Mrs V

Is that a hint?? Coffee anyone?? *vacant walks into a table* oops, who put that there. And I asked a long while ago if someone recomend and Iain Banks for my sister, she likes him, I thinks its scary biscuits and of course far too clever for me... But I read Truckers, and Janet and John go to the Zoo too....

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Post 83

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

You are like a jack-in-a-box, Hen, always here when someone wants you (not what you think smiley - winkeye )...
Coffee'd be great!

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Post 84


I was forced by my A-level english teacher to read Iain Banks, I admit he is a bit scary ( or maybe just sick), but generally I like his work, I've read complicity and the wasp factory. ok better finish my coffee, I won't be back til monday now.

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Post 85

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

We made Peta's Picks?!?! Free coffee all around! In every forum on here!
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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Post 86

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

ooops, you mean, we had to pay so far??

*opens gigantic bottle of french champagne*
This occasion begs for something more smiley - winkeye

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Post 87

Mrs V

Ok, hands up whos for the free coffee, you know, just to make my life easy of course... not!!!

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Post 88


Thanks, cream no sugar, shaken not stirred.
I'll save the sugar for later on.

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Post 89


Congrats all around smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

As for books, you might want to try "Warriors of the Way" by Henry Harrison. (A fun jaunt with a group of evil characters that have to save the world).

Also, "Another Day, Another Dungeon" ... not sure who wrote it.

Beeblefish .... Welcome I am sure you will enjoy H2G2. I know I have.


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Post 90


I'll take an Iced Coffee, please hold the Coffee smiley - smiley

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Post 91

Mrs V

Vær så god....
Can I go have a lie down now??

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Post 92


Of course my lady, go and relax. You can also have a foot rub if you wish smiley - winkeye


Post 93


I have read all the Dune novels. All great. I am currently trying to get my hands on Frank Herbert's Maker of Dune (talks about all the philosophies he used along with his ideas on religion and economics), and his Dune Encyclopedia (I saw one on ebay for $60, a bit much for my taste)



Post 94


Luna it is "A Stranger in a Strange Land" and if your read it a while ago it might have been abridged (DOH!!!) They released the unabridged (50,000 more words) about 5 years ago.

I think the "proverbs" book you were asking about in "Job: A Comedy of Justice", also a great read.

Courtesy the Unabridged


Post 95

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Did I miss Helena? Can I have some coffee, lots of milk and sugar, 2 more aspirin?

Stranger in a Strange Land dates back to 1961, and one of the most notable things that book did was introduce a new word into regular Amerenglish, namely "grok" (to grok).

As for the rest of Heinlein, I'm kind of surprised if non-Yanks are into him because a lot of what he wrote was pretty right-wing anti-red profamily and chauvinist to boot.

Anybody ever hear of SF-absurdist Robert Sheckley?


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Post 96

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

oh alright, I'll take over Helenas shift, she seems to get a bit snappy from too much work smiley - winkeye


Post 97

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Maybe that's what I didn't like about him!


Post 98

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

So I was young and impressionable, as well as a'Yank'.smiley - winkeye
I also read Pierce Anthony (e.g. Incarnations of Immortality), Phillip Jose' Farmer (Waiting for the Galactic Bus)
I liked Heilein's 'Job', but that's not the one I was refering to. Man, I hate it when I can't remember a title.
This book had twin sisters in it also. One was called Lapis Lazuli (?).

Oh, well....Lil, you know they fill us full of 'propaganda' here. smiley - smiley Thankfully, I have well traveled parents.
They love our country but, after spending much time 'across the water', they also have plenty of opinions on what we 'Yanks' could improve on.smiley - smiley
sorry, guess you hit a nerve.smiley - winkeye I get touchy about opinions formed because of where one lives. smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Irv, Congradulations from me.smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley
Great place to hang-out. Good people, good service, and plenty of coffee!!smiley - winkeye
Lot's of corners to read in!!smiley - winkeye


Post 99


*Beeblefish rolls over and smells coffee, darts straight up and falls over again. Thinks, pulls out Diane, his little tape recorder, and listens to what he missed*

Thanks Courtesy!

I read all the Dune books this summer, but couldnt get through Chapter House. There is a new one Dune: House Atreides, which is a prequel to the rest. I must read it, has anyone? It is by his son, and someone else, but from his (Frank Herbert's) original notes.

(To Harmony and Irv, I think) Though I quite apreciate DEATH and you have to look at Famine only sparingly, lest you get hungry, I am more the Crawley type. I love Crawley, though to be honest I am just truly the Newton Pulsifer type, mostly bewildered and at odds with much I see.

(Sorry to those who havent read the book .. but you will just have to go and read it now, wont you).

~Beeblefish (still looking for coffee and cleaning up a bit because the intellectual residue is getting thick on the coffee ringed tables)


Post 100

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

But Luna, I'm an Amurrican too. I did live in some other countries
for quite a few years, but I live in the lower 48 now.

I think the most hyper-patriotic etc. etc. book I can think of by Heinlein is Farnham's Freehold. I wonder if it would rate reprinting today.

And Piers Anthony is terrific. Did you read Tarot?


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