A Conversation for The Café


Post 61

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Ah, read and enjoyed them all, many years ago. Will have to find them again.smiley - smiley
The only one I remember clearly is "Stranger in a Strange Land"
(suddenly doubt that the title is right)smiley - winkeye
I liked any of them with Lazerus Long (can't spell today, either)
What is the one that has his 'proverbs' listed in it?

Well, now I have to decide which to read first, Stephenson or refresher on Heinlein.smiley - smiley

Say, am I the only one who brings five books home from the Library, then chooses one/two to read?smiley - winkeye


Post 62

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

The first was for Courtesy38.
this is for.....

Beeblefish, wait til you get to the books about the wryd sisters.smiley - smiley
Or the tales of death and his adopted daughter.smiley - smiley
Jokerford2000 and I listened to them on book cassette.
I got the oddest looks from people as I drove down/up the roads,
laughing until my sides hurt!smiley - winkeye
Oh, the stories about the 'city watch' are great as well. The reason I'm not
suggesting titles is that I don't remember them in order, and obviously
they are best read that way.


Post 63


Hi Luna!!!

(I do that too (the library books thing) I do it with movies too)

I know -- I am only on the third one (I read them faster than I can buy them smiley - sadface , but I know all about Mort .. my computer actually says
I COULD MURDER A CURRY when I shut it down, it makes me too happy.

DEATH (Mort) is in Good Omens too, have you read that?

And it is Stranger in a Strange Land, I believe. Have you read any Neil Gaiman?


Post 64

marvthegrate LtG KEA

My favorite sub series from Prachett is the City Watch books (Gurads! Guards! Men at Arms Feet of Clay jingo) I love Commander Vimes. By far the best in my opinion.


Post 65

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

The title IS "Stranger in a Strange Land". My first girlfriend made me read it. It was good, but I don't think I could get into it again. He's a great author, but not for me smiley - sadface

And to Beeblefish: Sean Connery *IS* James Bond! He still is! Have you seen The Rock?



Post 66


Or (whats it called, I saw it on a plane), um ... Entrapment. Bad movie, but he was great in it. I really truly must sleep now, but I will just throw out two questions:
1. Has anyone read the Dune series of books?
2. Didnt I hear something about coffee?

*Beeblefish collapses at the table and dreams of electric sheep*


Post 67

Mrs V

Sean Connery is indeed the best Bond, and as for a good guessing mystery, I'm pretty good at solving them before the end, so maybe you should try Agatha Christies "Why didn't they Ask Evans" I'd worked out parts but not the big AAAHHH til just before the revelation.
Love good omens, have a great desire to be 'war'
Coffee anyone??


Post 68


I've read the dune book called children of dune, it was quite good. Terry Prachet is an excellent author I read all of the discworld seris and can highly recommend them. Have any of you read his book Carpet People I think it is thats quite funny. I've not read any Tom Clancy, but i found Bravo Two Zero to be quite good so I would probably like them.

Just one more question has anyone read the gunslinger series by Stephen King?

I'll have a cup of expresso please smiley - smiley


Post 69

Mrs V

Vær så god, one espresso (please note correct spelling)


Post 70


cheers for that -slurp- got any donuts?


Post 71

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Helena, you are awesome!!smiley - winkeye

*graciously accepts coffee*

Krunchy, I have the 'Gunslinger' series. I started them years ago.
I used to be a huge King fan, but my interest has wanned,I fear. The Gunslinger's are very good, though.
Haven't seen anymore since 'Wizards and Glass' (suddenly, title seems awkward, too lazy to go look at book)
smiley - smileysmiley - smiley
I started his 'Hearts in Atlantis' just the other day, but can't seem to get into it. Will probably try again over the holidays.smiley - smiley

As for Prachett, I haven't read any of the 'Hogwatch' books, yet.smiley - smiley
Or, Good omens either, for that matter. I so enjoyed them on cassette, that I've been witing on the library to get a larger selection.
They're pretty good about following up on suggestions.
So far, any with the witches, are still my favorites. Must be a 'girl' thingsmiley - smiley
Did like Guards! Guards!, Men at Arms, etc..though.
My daughters friend, who AD&D's with us, uses a Troll as his character. Everytime we get into a cave or cellar-like place, he wants to go rat hunting. He wants to impale them on a stick for snacks. LOL! He'll say, "Rats on a stick, with ketchup! Yumm!" smiley - winkeye

I'm corrupting the minds of the neighborhood, as well as my own kids! smiley - winkeye


Post 72


The only Discworld I've read so far are the first 3, but I've read a lot of his outside- discworld work.


Post 73


has anyone seen the animated versions of the discworld stories? I didn't like them as much as the books. Luna I've read most of them and Men at arms is my favourite out of the lot, but I didn't think wyrd sisters (is that rite?one of the ones with witches in) was that bad. Oh and the gunslinger, I thought the wizard and the glass was the last one in the series?


Post 74


How many animated ones have they done? I've got both "Wyrd Sisters" and "Soul Music" on video - have they done any others? I really enjoyed them both, but then, I haven't read the books yet, so I cannot compare. They helped me decied that I _should_ start reading Discworld - and I will soon enough...

*coffee? did I hear...*

Post 75

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

Who did the animations - I have never heard of them here?

a strange wonder,I haven't been here for 2 days, the thread fills up, and not one book mentioned I haven't read smiley - winkeye
Helena - so we're two already, I sometimes crave to be Pollution...
and 'Lil, I read Minette Walters, almost all of them, and liked them a lot - not who-dunnits, but very thrilling!

*coffee? did I hear...*

Post 76


The IMDB says this about PTerry:

Plus this about animations:

*coffee? did I hear...*

Post 77

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

thank you Bluebottle, that was very prompt - stupid me, could have thought about that meself...

*presents freshly baked blueberry pie with whipped cream to Blue*

Can't try to annoy you here, or I'll get sacked smiley - winkeye

*coffee? did I hear...*

Post 78


did you know there is a discworld mud you can play online as well? It's pretty cool, but Telnet sux (you use telnet to play it). Has anyone read any of Iain Banks work?

Oh year and could I get another coffee mine is empty.

*coffee? did I hear...*

Post 79

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

Yeah, I've seen that, but I'm no telnet-fan either...
*lets another coffee elegantly slide along the counter till it stops directly in front of Krunchy* here you are smiley - winkeye

Oh yeah - The Aroma made Petas Picks today - and is one of the busiest forums for 2 weeks now! cheers for Irv for making us feel so welcome!
*tööörööööt*throws confetti*

Join in the celebration!

Post 80


Thanks Kats-eyes! And WELL DONE IRVING! Yep, this is definately one of the best places on H2G2 - shame that the music section is a little neglected these days...

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