A Conversation for The Café

Neal Stephenson

Post 21

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Sounds wonderful! Good to see you here, Asteroid Lil!


Neal Stephenson

Post 22

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Helena, I get two hours on in the am before work, (no one else home)
then two hours in the pm/am before bed, ( others sleeping).smiley - winkeye

Marv & Lil, thanks for the tip. I've been looking for someone new to read.smiley - smiley

Irving, you're a sweetie. I'm in Ohio.(EST)smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye

kats-eyes, glad to see you, as always. smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Neal Stephenson

Post 23

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

That was quite a good summing up! I'm going to look into this Neal Stephenson... smiley - smiley


Neal Stephenson

Post 24

Mrs V

Definately, coffee anyone??

Neal Stephenson

Post 25

marvthegrate LtG KEA

If oyu have read any of the old Ian Flemming written James Bond books, Stephensons description of eating the Cap'n Cruch would remind you of that. Both writers are extremely gifted in their decriptions.

Neal Stephenson

Post 26

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I can't wait to hear what other researchers think of Snow Crash. We are imitating art, even as we speak! smiley - winkeye

I would like a huge cup of coffee with lots of milk and sugar, and two aspirin.


Neal Stephenson

Post 27

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

C\_____/ o o

How's that?


Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 28


I've read all of Ian Fleming's Bond books, plus many John Garnder. I didn't really enjoy Ian Fleming as I found him to have, erm, very strong out-dated views on everything, yet he told a story well. What opinions of him are there?

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 29

marvthegrate LtG KEA

If you take into context the period that the origonal bond books were written the views are not all that bad. These were started shortly after WWII and people thought differently back then. And For Snow Crash, I jusat loved the main characters name Hiro Protagonist.

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 30


Well, I know the views were pretty standard, but that does not neccesarily make them right. Although I'm not talking about the sexism here. Still, I think they were very well written - "From Russia With Love" was probably the best.
Has anyone read "The Spy Who Loved Me"?

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 31

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I have vintage editions of most of the Flemming books. I liked "the spy who loved me" a lot. I have not read it in a few years though.

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 32


Did you notice Ian Fleming's mistake? SPECTRE didn't stand for
the SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion, but something else.

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 33

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Yup but I forget exactly what. TBS has a bond marathon going on here in the states. It is showing all the bond movies for fifteen days. It is day 11 today.

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 34

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Am I the only human who has never seen a Bond movie?

Thanks for the aspirin, Irv. I'm just getting over a killer cold. smiley - erm


Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 35

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

No, Lil, you are not. A guy down the hall from me in my dorm has never seen a James Bond movie. They're great for entertainment and escapism, if you like this sort of thing, which I do.


Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 36

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ah. And he's human too, did you say?

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 37

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

That's not been proven.

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 38

Mrs V

I got taken to see the lastest one firday night, and it had two of my favourite Acting types in the whole world in it, so I was well pleased. One of these days bond is going to learn to take the women out first, although the guy I was with said that it wasn't sexist enough to be Bond!

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 39

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

If you like *spy novels*, how about John LeCarre'. I liked "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and
"Smiley's People", among others. Also like Stuart Kaminsky.

Ian Flemming & Bond

Post 40


I always wanted to read them, but never got round to it... By the way, before coming to Uni, Roasted Amoeba had never seen a Bond movie - but we soon fixed that. smiley - winkeye

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