A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 681


*Dreams about the challenge of setting fire to a swimming pool of water...*


Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 682

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::takes a nap with the elephants::

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 683

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Gets a big bucket of ice from the barman and sneaks up behind Linus. Pulls out the waist of his trousers and dumps the ice in.*

smiley - nahnah

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 684

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Is not Linus the barman?

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 685

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

I meant the barman that is standing at the hotel's little bar at poolside. The tall hunky guy back there. *Points impolitely.*

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 686

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Oh Sorry, I thought you meant *our* barman.

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Post 687

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Oh Sorry, I thought you meant *our* barman.

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 688

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Looks at the hotel barman.* I wish...

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 689


*Doesn't like the way Mari-Rae is looking at the hotel barman.*
*Considers burning the hotel barman alive so that Linus has no rivals.*


Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 690


That barman told me he does'nt like brownies.

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 691

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Flips up the sides of her bathing cap. Goes back to the hotel's poolside bar.*

Hi! I'd like to get a round of drinks for all my friends here. Cooper's Dark Ale, Corona with a twist, a vt for me, a Heineken um, hang on. Bluebottle, Gw7en, Dragonfly, what'll you have?

*While waiting for their response, she smiles and bats her eyes at the hotel's barman.* Never saw elephants like these before, have you?

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 692

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Hey! Where the heck is Ormondroyd?

smiley - yikes

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 693


I'm right here! smiley - biggrin!

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Post 694

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Nearly jumps out of her skin at the sound of his voice at her elbow!*
Ulp!! Oh! There you are! What would you like to drink?

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 695


Oh! smiley - bigeyes Sorry to startle you, mari-rae!
A smiley - stout would be lovely, thank you. smiley - smiley

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 696

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Hands Ormy his smiley - stout.*

Would you like some smiley - popcorn? I'll share a bag with you!

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 697


Thanks! smiley - smiley Would you like some smiley - choc?

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 698

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Grate Brownie Crumbs, be serious man! Of course I would like some !!! Thank you!

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 699

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

*has a quiet laugh to himself as Marie-rae starts eating the chocolate laxative*

Did someone say the barman was an INFIDEL !!!

Back to the ELLE ET PHANTE TREQUE!??:P...

Post 700


No, if you type nothing happens. smiley - winkeye
This smiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - choc is perfectly safe, mari-rae. Enjoy!

Would I lie to you? smiley - angel

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