A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

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Post 661

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Sees her Archbishop coming right at her! He lands on her backside and they go down to the bottom!!*


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Post 662

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::Starts shouting frantically for the lifeguard::

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Post 663


*wanders back towards the pool.*

Excellent form, your holiness!

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Post 664


*Returns after a week-long mission of fire and destruction without reading the ever-long backlog*
So, what's going on now?

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Post 665

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Kicks to get away from the clouds of material enfolding her and hits the AB in the head. She swims free and emerges, gasping.*


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Post 666

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Apparently a flying AB. smiley - winkeye

*lounges back and finishes her smiley - stiffdrink *


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Post 667

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Pulls herself out of the pool and sits on the side.*

Is he going to come up for air soon?

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Post 668

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

*wonders why Marie-rae is smiling smiley - winkeye*

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Post 669

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::rescues the AB::

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Post 670

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

smiley - sadface am not!

*Jumps back in and gets Marv out.*

Are you ok, AB?

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Post 671

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::listens to Marv cough and sputter::

This says a great deal about how you are valued... you get saved TWICE!!! smiley - smiley

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Post 672

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I think you missed what i was insinuating - just as well too !!!

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Post 673

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Is trying to figure out what Linus means. Hopes it not what she thinks it is. Is now figuring a way to get Linus back.*

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Post 674

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

It was rather rude i'll admit that much smiley - winkeye

*wonders if it is safe to use the smiley - tongueout smiley yet *

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Post 675

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Linus, you wouldn't happened to have gone to a showing of the RHPS lately, would you?

Waiter, another smiley - stiffdrink please!

smiley - winkeye


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Post 676

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::decides to check on the elephants::

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Post 677

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...


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Post 678

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

No, now its time for me to use it... smiley - tongueout

When you least expect it, my dear, you will get your come uppence.

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Post 679

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Such is life sweetness smiley - smiley

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Post 680

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Adjusts her suit when no one is looking. smiley - blush*

Marv, you did a magnificent cannonball, but I didn't get to see it being UNDER YOU at the time. Why not try it again? smiley - winkeye

*Gets up and goes over to the little poolside bar where she can observe in safety and comfort.*

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