A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 81


But they could be using the cow pats to hide all those things in. Who would look?

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 82

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

heheheee, you agree with mesmiley - smiley

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 83


Perticularly with what they did to the traffic this morning.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 84

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*breaks huge five hour silence*
Go on then, what did they do to the traffic this morning?

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 85

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*sits grinning as her plan of moving into a wardrobe and staying there til October has safely ended, has now been put on hold due to finally having got through to her friend at Uni who made her see that October has vague potential*
smiley - smiley

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 86

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*wonders how this is relevant to what the cows did to the traffic this morning*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 87

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*Explains that itisn't in the slightest but 12 hours ago she was ready to post a message here saying that she was hibernating in her wardrobe until the end of nasty October and now she isn't it seems only fair to point it out*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 88

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

That's okay then. So what was so nasty about October that isn't now?

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 89

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

It's not neccessarily October, I thought that perhaps it was my new earrings but then I decided that was irrational... It just seemed that if by the third day of a month you want to crawl into a wardrobe and hide then the rest of the month doesn't look too chirpy, hence blaming Octobersmiley - smiley
*realises that that in no way serves to answer EV's question*
Ummm, it's kinda been one of those few days where everything that could go wrong does and all at precisely the wrong moment. There are many, many things which you probably wouldn't be that interested in but selected highlights involve some arse trying to drive headon into my car causing me to swerve, hit the curb type object at 30mph and gash open my tyre prior to it being very unhappy, friends breaking up with boyfriends they've been with for years, stupid essays for University's and stoopid UCAS, unnecessary fights and finally this morning my best friend of 15 years left to Uni...and I got icecream on my carpetsmiley - smiley

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 90

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh dear.
*hugs Tinkerbell*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 91

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*gratefully accepts the hug*
Thankyousmiley - smiley
I've also found out why I kept getting some random boy whenever I tried to ring my other best mate at uni so hopefully I should get to speak to him again soon so I may be putting off my move to the wardrobe at least until the next phone bill comessmiley - smiley
*stops talking about wardrobes as it was her best mates wardrobe she used to live in and she'll just start whining again*

So Menza about these cows and the traffic, did they hijack the cars or were they just trampling in the road?

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 92

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*waits for Menza to respond*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 93

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*starts edging towards the wardrobe*
Menza? How did the cows disrupt the traffic?

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 94

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Never mind Tinkerbell you've got me on your side.

Here Menza- have a sniff- *holds up cow-polluted work clothes*
Now that's what I call evil.


Post 95

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

This post has been removed.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 96

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*welcomes the fellow anti-cow person*
Hello, you have every right to blame the cows, they should be blamed for everything...
*dazes off into wondering whether the cows could be responsible for October*
smiley - smiley

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 97


The cows broke a fence and went marauding all over the roads round where I work. Most people were late in to work.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 98

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, is that all? smiley - sadface

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 99


And a few made some very large, very red cow pats when some truck hit them.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 100

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh. smiley - sadface That wasn't very nice of them. (The truck driver, not the cows.)

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