A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 61


Then again there are some CD's that should only ever be used as coasters. smiley - smiley

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 62

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Y'see EV the problem comes in the 'form of music' part as it really is debateable with that CDsmiley - winkeye
Besides I know a CD that I own which is worse than that Menza so any anti-Aqua comments and I may be forced to start singing itsmiley - smiley

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 63


I once played a CD that sounded totally horrible. Then I realised it was a CD-rom in the wrong case. smiley - bigeyes

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 64

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*congratulates Menza's excellent change of subject away from the annoying band*
smiley - smiley
*wonders whether the fact that his story made her laugh is enough to stop her singing*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 65


I do my best. smiley - smiley

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 66

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

I guess I'll let you off then...smiley - smileyalthough I do have their album for future use, maybe you should register your vote as them being the most eveil things...
*wanders off singing "my uncle John from Jamaica keeps on calling on the phone"*
Ooops sorrysmiley - winkeye

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 67

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*looks horrified*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 68

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*looks amused*
Oh not you too...I don't understand what it is with this band, you can dance around to all their songs and sit and sing along and...
*slow realisation dawns*
Oooooohhhhh, now I understandsmiley - smiley
*goes silent to stop EV's horror*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 69

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Still you're right about the cows, I know 'cos I've been building a wall in a cow field. They scare my dog, chew on my waterproofs (not when I've got them on though luckily) s**t all over the stones and knock the unfinished wall down when I'm not there- in fact they're probably at it right nowsmiley - sadface.

Do you know how hard it is to get rid of the smell of cows**t? Oh yes- they're evil all right.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 70


You have obviously taken a more indepth stufdy that me. smiley - winkeye

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 71

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

And me.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 72

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

But not me, see I told's you they were eveil...
*looks triumphant*
And the evidence amassessmiley - smiley

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 73


You'll have to show it all to me once you have finished collecting it.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 74

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

You mean you don't believe me already? Aaaawsmiley - smiley
I thought I was very convincingsmiley - winkeye
*starts collecting a huge box of eye witness testimonys and newspaper cuttings to show Menza*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 75

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Are you sure about that?
*thinks about the kind of evidence cows leave behind*

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 76

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

You mean the kind of evidence such as maps, plans for world domination, weaponry and trampled stuff?

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 77


Now those are fairly evil.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 78

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*ignores the fact that she suspects Menza was replying to EV's post*
See, told you they were eveil, by default you just agreed with mesmiley - tongueout

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 79

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Unless their plans, maps and weaponry all look and smell like cowpats then no, that wasn't what I meant.

What is the most evil thing in the world?

Post 80

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Yeah you did...and don't avoid the fact that Menza just agreed with me, by default or not he still didsmiley - smiley

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