A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

pub tunes - the Wombles

Post 81

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Sorry Tinkerbell didn't mean to shout but I'm not having that *&@~#ing picture house on my juke box! OK?

*Hoping I've made myself clear on the topic of crap bands, if I don't draw the line somewhere we'll end up having 'It Bites' on the JB*

REM? Not a problem how about that being saturdays tune?

Ændr (f*** me I managed to spell your name!) Now I've forgotten what it was I was going to say .......
Oh! Remembered, yes i do use (at least try to) microtoss, but most of my pc problems stem from a dodgy HD and a proccessor that is well past it's retirement age.
Yeah! And happy hols wherever you go!

*very happy to have 2 bouncy types around, hopefully TB isn't too offended by me shouting & swearing*

pub tunes - REM

Post 82

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Just wanted too update the subject heading!

*Happy now*
smiley - stiffdrink CHEERS!
smiley - smiley

pub tunes - REM

Post 83


OK I get dibs on Sundays song. How about Choose to Live by Reef. smiley - smiley


Post 84

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Just so rude!!! Honestlysmiley - smiley I was almost caused to stop bouncing at the abusiveness of your message, how dare you suggest Picture House are a crap band, they are the greatest in the world, ever (ish) so there, now go and stand in the corner and consider the repercussions of your actions...or the percussions of your actions such as a tambourine or the almighty trianglesmiley - smiley

...Was that too harsh? Probably was wasn't it, sorry but you shouted firstsmiley - smiley


Post 85


Just hit him round the head with the tambourine and have done with it. smiley - winkeye

pub tunes - Reef

Post 86

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)


Peace & love everyone!

Sorry TB I'm not particularly tolerant of dodgy bands and I've seen picture house live and they didn't do anything for me, except making me want to find the mains plug and remove it.
Menza - I'll remember this incitement to violence and am tempted to report you to the h2g2 police!

pub tunes - Reef

Post 87


So any ideas about what to have for Mondays tune?

pub tunes - Reef

Post 88

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

I have an idea but I doubt it'd be allowedsmiley - smiley But for the final time Picture House are not dodgy and are excellent live and very nice blokes so there smiley - tongueout

And as for reporting Menza for being nice (well provoking violence but it was in my defence hence niceness) you forget that I could equally well report you for abusive behavioursmiley - smiley

Other than that if no-ones picked the song for Monday can we have The Kinks and Waterloo Sunset? *whiney voice* Please... smiley - smiley

pub tunes -The Kinks

Post 89

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

How's that for a peace offering Tinkerbell?
Great tune just right for a pub beer garden around about dusk! Most impressed with your catholic taste.

I've met picture house and they are very nice, but, their music is ....mmmmmmphhhh!
smiley - bigeyes

Also let's keep the Filth out of this thread please, you don't know what I've got in my pocket, or when they will show up!

pub tunes -The Kinks

Post 90

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

Did somone call?

pub tunes -The Kinks

Post 91

Little Bo Peep - I've lost my sheep

....or more to the point. Can anyone spell someone.

Sniffs around, feelers wiggling...

pub tunes -The Kinks

Post 92

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Don't wiggle your tentacles there!




pub tunes -The Kinks

Post 93

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

I'll go for The Kinks. smiley - smiley Just as a warning, I have this big fear of roaches so if I accidentally step on you please don't take it personally. smiley - winkeye

pub tunes -The Kinks

Post 94


And I was trying to avoid all the bug spray jokes. smiley - winkeye

pub tunes -Thankyou Mr Z:-)

Post 95

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Why thankyou but what filth were...oh wait never mind, understand nowsmiley - smiley

Do I detect an irrepressable dislike for Picture House then? (I'm very quick) Are you sure there's no way I can change your mind, what about if I threatened you with the option of Cliff Richard singing Congratulations live or Picture House? Surely then you'd have to pick them!

Anyway, for the next available day can we have Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush...I promise not to sing alongsmiley - smiley

pub tunes -Thankyou Mr Z:-)

Post 96

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

I don't think i've heard the song, but since your having such a problem getting one approved I'll vote for it.smiley - winkeye

pub tunes -Thankyou Mr Z:-)

Post 97


How could you mention that song and that man in polite conversation? smiley - winkeye

Cliff vs. Picturehouse

Post 98

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Quite a challenge you may expect from Tinkerbell, but I think I'd go for Cliff!
The reasoning behind this is due to having seen cliff over thirty times!
Before you ask, it wasn't very pleasurable, tho I think it strengthed my constitution some what. To save further questions on the subject of cliff -
The show was Heathcliffe an adaption of 'wuthering heights' by tim rice/andrew lloyd webber, Highlights were seeing Helena Bonham-Carter do a quick change beneath my spot-light position, dropping my cue sheets on cliffs head and liberating wine and beer after each show.

I hereby notify I will not be drawn any further on this subject.

Pub Tunes - Kate Bush!

Post 99

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)


Tb I doubt you would have the vocal range of Kate Bush, so would be gratefull if you don't sing along.

nb. the subject matter of the title you requested has a certain connection with Sir Cliff!

Pub Tunes - Out on the windy, whilly moors we fall and roll in brie!

Post 100

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*


Is more comment necessary? Errr, how do you know I couldn't do the Kate Bush bit? Have you ever heard me sing...well o.k but my versions considerably better because it's a homage to cheesesmiley - smiley

Spotlight...are/were you an actor or a stage bloke? I also assume that this is the reason you saw Cliff 30 times because I had the awful thought that you were just a very dedicated fan and had travelled the country in order to be a roadie on his tourssmiley - smiley

How can you still choose Cliff over Picture House? Honestly...and anyway, I thought Menza was in charge of the juke box and this pub and since he seems to have a rational dislike/fear of the Cliff man I think you may be out voted in your choicesmiley - smiley

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