A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

pub tunes

Post 1

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

is their a juke box or can we get John Peel in to play 24/7?

pub tunes

Post 2

Captain Sensible

I'm not sure what Menzas taste in music is, but I'm sure there must be some sort of music creation in this pub!

pub tunes

Post 3

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I don't recall hearing any and I've been a regular here from the start

pub tunes

Post 4

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

can I then make a suggestion?

Do the regulars want a juke box, DJ or live music?

Or possibly everyone is quite happy chatting without music?

*tapping his foot to a tune in his head*

pub tunes

Post 5

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I think perhaps that some people's musical tastes would be different to mine. You would have to ask Menza, but you may be allowed to have a bar that has a jukebox or full orchestra as long as the main room was left free for chat and your musical bar was fully fitted with soundproofing materials.

pub tunes

Post 6

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Sounds like a lot of trouble, to me.
Might get myself a walk man, tho everyone else would have to get used to my tuneless humming and the occasional bit of singing from me.

*Laaaa La Laa La*

pub tunes

Post 7


Try talking to Ormy, he is the resident music expert. smiley - smiley

pub tunes

Post 8


Maybe there's a room upstairs we could get bands in? I'll vote for some low down acoustic blues, but then I would, wouldn't I? smiley - smiley

pub tunes

Post 9


And I would totally agree. smiley - smiley

pub tunes

Post 10

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

Hi Peeps,
*when did this thread get busy?*

Just got back from the Fleadh @ finsbury park, and of all the bands I saw today I would only be prepared to book Billy Brag!

A pretty frazzled round the edges Z.

pub tunes

Post 11

The Fish

I'm sure my band would be happy to do a gig here...smiley - smiley

We have a very "wide" musical style rangesmiley - winkeye

smiley - fish

pub tunes

Post 12


Define "wide" please. smiley - winkeye

pub tunes

Post 13

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

In my book (which, incidently isn't written yet) "wide" could mean almost anything that was written and performed by Elton John* (*feel free to enter and artist of your own choice) recorded and performed between 1972 - 1986* (*feel free to enter and era of your own choice)

pub tunes

Post 14

TAP- the peaceful ancient alien-

not the usual definition of "wide" is it?
smiley - smiley

pub tunes

Post 15


Not really, its more the definition of "anything". smiley - winkeye

pub tunes

Post 16

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

do you do chamber music?

pub tunes

Post 17

TAP- the peaceful ancient alien-

i think some soul would go down very well on the quiet nights! it may need to be a bit more for the busy nights though.....

pub tunes

Post 18

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

OK. Before I write my book, I will have to learn to define more correctly!
*frowns at Menza & Tap*
Not sure about chamber music in a pub though!
Now some soul on a quite Tuesday (now & again) would be great!

pub tunes

Post 19


Sounds good, but I don't think chamber music would fit really.

pub tunes

Post 20

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Oooh, if you went to the Fleahd did you marvel at the wonders that were Picture House the greatest band in the world ever?
As a newbie here can I make a request for them on a juke box so that trashy tunes can be played to randomly irritate people who secretly like them? Cos thats the real idea of pub music y'knowsmiley - smiley

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