A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 21

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Ah, splendid. Well, they say a balanced diet is important, so I'll have two smiley - ale of the usual, please, one in each hand.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 22

The Grim Squeaker


Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 23


Ah, that'll be one of the new surreal ales they've got in around here! I'll try it myself, I think! A smiley - ale and a thimbleful of Nanny Ogg's, please.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 24

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I'll stick with Thrucklington's Ould Inexcusable if you don't mind. Oh, and a side order of haggis, since it's Burns Night.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 25

Dancing Ermine

d_| and |_b of beer for EV

And a smiley - ale of Nanny Ogg's for Ormondroyd with a Thimble on the side.

Nice to see the Grim Squeaker back, hope you're not here on duty. smiley - winkeye

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 26

Dancing Ermine

Haggis as well, sorry for the delay EV

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 27

Crazy Canuck

It's a pleasure to meet such a distinguished, if not grusome, person such as the Grim Squeaker.

May I have a smiley - empty of your finest single malt scotch, for I too would like to toast robbie Burnes (my grandfather would be proud and say, never, drink alone, always find someone to buy you pint.)

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 28

The Grim Squeaker


No I have just moved onto a flexi-time arrangement! Thank you for the drink.


Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 29

Dancing Ermine

A smiley - empty for CC

That's a relief. The drinks a pleasure.

Is that a new pad? Very nice.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 30

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Thanks for the haggis, don't worry about the delay, I don't like the stuff anyway.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 31

Crazy Canuck

does that mean your not going to eat that Haggis? Would you mind if I had it? (as my grandmother says: why wast it when you can it, so be a good scot!)

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 32


Also awed by meeting the infamous Grim Squeaker - but shouldn't we only be able to see you if you're about to do the deed with the scythe?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 33

Dancing Ermine

Please do't say that , I'm the only other rodent in here.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 34

Crazy Canuck

I must be off it's time for me to brave the cold arctic winds...maybe I'll have another smiley - empty of scotch before I leave....

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 35

Dancing Ermine

smiley - empty for you then smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 36

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

So this is where you've been hiding, DEsmiley - winkeye
Could I possibly have a |_| of orange juice for now, please?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 37

Dancing Ermine

It says on my homepage I'm always in the pub. smiley - smiley

|_| of orange juice for you.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 38

The Grim Squeaker


Never fear DE if I am on the Guide I am off duty.


Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 39


Must be going. See you all soon smiley - bigeyes

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 40

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Thanks DEsmiley - smiley
Bye Gargoyle.

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