A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 61

Dancing Ermine

A |_| if you please, serving others is thirsty work. smiley - winkeye

See I told you there were helpful physics type people around. smiley - winkeye

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 62

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Thanks everyonesmiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 63


*hands over a smiley - ale and a |_|*

I haven't done physics in ages.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 64

Dancing Ermine

Thanks, menza.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 65

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

You were right DEsmiley - smiley.

Any chance of another |_| of orange juice?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 66


Of course

*passes |_| over*

Enjoy. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 67


And a smiley - ale of Drumroll for me, please, Menz.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 68

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*Takes |_|*

Thanks Menza!smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 69


And a smiley - ale for Ormy. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 70


Can I get a TiaMaria and Cola please, before feelings of guilt force me to bed?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 71

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

phisycs is best kept that way.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 72

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

I'll have one more |_| of orange juice before I go...

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 73


And a smiley - stiffdrink and a |_|. smiley - smiley

Anything else? smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 74

Dancing Ermine

A |_| wouldn't go amiss as you're at the taps smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 75


Thanks Menza smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 76

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*Drinks orange juice*

Thanks Menzasmiley - smiley

*reluctantly has to leave, so she waves goodbye to everyone and walks out of the door*

smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 77


And a |_|. its busy here tonight. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 78


See you soon. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 79

Dancing Ermine

*Waves back at Eomando*

Yep, but its getting quieter. smiley - smiley

Thanks for the drink

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 80


Its going to get much quieter, I'm off too.

Help youselves, I'm sure you can find you way to the fridge. smiley - winkeye


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