Oh crap! Where's my towel?

OK, so I seem to have misplaced my towel. I'm not sure how to live without one but I'll figure something out... Well, I guess I should welcome you to my little page here... that is of course if anybody acutally bothers to check out the page of someone once referred to as "some random Canadian bloke".

I guess if you're reading this you really are interested enough to have a quick look around. I'm sorry to say but there isn't much here yet but I'm working on it...give me a chance to look around and get my bearings (that's always the best thing to do when one arrives in a new place, so said my grandmother).

Well, if you do check out this page, here's some basic information that you might just need (why, I'm not sure, but you might need it none the less):

-Canada is cold in the winter (especially in January - it has been -20 for the past week)
-Canada is hot in the summer (around 30degrees celcius in July)
-I am Canadian (and not a beer ad) ;)
-I have a strange fascination with all things old (as in historic)
-I'm gleefully employed by the Canadian Governement (a true silly servant, as would say my father)
-I have the annoying habit of always quoting some member of my rather large and very French-Canadian family
(anyone who knows anything about French-Canadians will know that an extented family of about 100 is normal 8-)
-I live in Ottawa, the capital (Toronto is not the capital of Canda, it's just an annoying place!)

So there, a bit of info about me. By the way, please remember that I am not an American. It's not that I have a thing against the Yanks, it's just that I don't want to be mistaken for one.

OK, 'nuff said!


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Crazy Canuck

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