This is the Message Centre for Crazy Canuck


Post 1

%The Calamitous Cranium Boy Who Just got his first approved article (eight weeks ago!!) ~/^Þ

Good to know I'm not the only Crazy Canuck oot here. smiley - winkeye


Post 2

Crazy Canuck

Cool, I was wondering when I'd bumb into another inhabitant of the the Great White North...


Post 3


Greetings fellow Canuck. Nice to meet you. Welcome. I've only been here at h2g2 for a little over a month myself. You should be getting an official welcome in the next few days.

I was in Ottawa 2 years ago for the CP Hotels Hockey Tournament. My ex was playing. Beautiful city, at least what I had time to see of it. I'm in Moncton, NB. There are a few other Canadians in here. Keep clicking around and you'll find them

See you around.

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