A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 241

Dancing Ermine

One smiley - ale coming up!

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 242

The Grim Squeaker





Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 243


Well! Was a distinguished cast of life-forms (and death-forms) we have in here tonight! smiley - smiley
How's the reaping business, Grim?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 244

Dancing Ermine

Right away, Grim.

*Fills thimble with Drumroll*

There you go smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 245

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Thank you, DE. Drinking was always one of my...er...talents. I b'lieve I will have another Drumroll, if you would be so kind.

You know, Ormy, 'Eddies'~ space-time anomalies ~ pools of instability in the fabric of space-time. I 'spect to see a Chesterfield sofa sail by any second.

My ISP keeps disconnecting, and reconnects at any speed it feels like from 24000-45000. And this thread reached 'critical mass' with Netscape at my first post, and is now crashing with every additional reload. IE, which usually works in these situations, refuses to refresh or show my posts. [Hence the duplicate post] Yep, there goes the sofa! Didja see it, just outside the window there, probly heading to the cricket field.

Think I'll have TWO Drumrolls, if you please...

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 246

The Grim Squeaker


Thanks. Busy busy busy - infact I am thinking of trading the cat I ride in for something with a bit more ooomph. I am covering for the Death of Weasels who claimed he had to go to his Grandmother's funeral. Thank goodness it wasn't the Death of Lemmings. How goes it all here?


Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 247


The second one will be for your Seal, I expect.
Grim, I'm sorry - the cat you ride IN? Should that read "on", or is it a skeletal cat?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 248

Samuel Pepys


how delightful to find you here. Mr Ermine there isn't perchance a bottle of claret behind that fair bar is there?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 249

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*E walks in, spotting DE at the bar.*

Hi everybody!smiley - smiley
DE, a |_| of orange juice if you would be so kind?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 250

Wily Kitty(alias R109377)

Pokes, Her Over sized head around the door

Er, Excuse me i seem to have lost my
Chunky Gold earings, I was on abit of a bender last night and with the girls,
and the stained glass seemed to ring some bells . Burp bofp oouuer....pardon me!
no ? no one's seen them then ? all right then, i'll be off then. Cheers, bye then, bye.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 251

Dancing Ermine

smiley - alesmiley - ale For bluDragon

|_| of orange juice for Eomando

And a _Y_ of claret for our good Mr Pepys

Sorry about the delay my friends I am having trouble connecting to h2g2 myself. Which means I have to leave you to your drinks I'm afraid.


Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 252

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Thank you again, DE!
The service here is certainly excellent!

Actually, Ormy, I leave the seal, crown, etc., etc. at home when I leave Damogran. Seal is too young to drink, anyway. I will handle all the bad habits. hehehehe

It is lovely to see you, as well, Lord Pepys. But I fear I must leave both old and new friends for the moment. I shall certainly return to this most comfortable place, anon.[and when the eddies have subsided]

bye..., s'cuse me...pardon me...bye-bye...s'cuse me...bye now.
*waves and ducks head to go out the door*


Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 253

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

hello all, how's things?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 254

Jellycat - a Welsh section A

*Squeezes in the door dragging Comfort Hare by one ear*

Blimey it is busy in here tonight!

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 255

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Fine Ændr.smiley - smiley
How're you?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 256

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I'm all right, still rather tired. And having problems with this connection - think the IT guy at college has been playing around again.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 257

Demon Drawer

*Walks in and spots the barman, is a familiar face*

The usual please DE.

*Aside to E*

This should test his skills of memory or Pyshcic ability I'm not sure which.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 258

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

Ændr, I hope your connections OK now, I too keep getting cut off, hence the delayed reply.smiley - smiley

DD, I think you're right...I'd like to see DE remember what it is you usually drink...

(I know, thoughsmiley - smiley)

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 259

Dr What

Ello Ello Ello

Whats goin' on 'ere then?



Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 260

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*E shrugs her shoulders because she really doesn't know what's going on.*

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