A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 181

Crazy Canuck

*taking a large gulp of rum to warm his insides*

I'm sorry, I know that tempurature and its perception is entierly relative, but it cannot be very cold over in there in comparison to here (-20C). But I guess that, in relation to normal weather, it is rather cold where you are (and where exactly is that?)

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 182


Can I get some cola, please?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 183


You've been quiet today.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 184


Gimme a chance, I only just got here! All morning spent in the Joy that is first year lab... then I did my maths and washed my hair in Hot water for the first time in a weeksmiley - smiley
Thanks for |_|!smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 185


Ah, who's going to offer me a smiley - ale?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 186


Whoa, no offence meant J smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 187


Would you like a smiley - ale Blue? Someone else'll have to pour it, but its on mesmiley - smiley
One for you too, BS? I'm sorry, Thursday is stress day, please forgive me!

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 188


No worries J smiley - smiley

smiley - ale for you BB and smiley - ale for me, thanks Joanna.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 189


Ah, that's better, some company! Any chance of another smiley - ale?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 190

Dancing Ermine

CC I'm on top of a hill in Bath, UK. it feels about 5C, cold enough to make the sunny day miserably cold. Nothing compared to your -20C though. Hi to all people who have just walked in.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 191


Okay, thanks... And as no-one's serving, I'll go behind the bar, then. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 192


Unless you finished the last one double quick our posts must have crossed smiley - smiley

smiley - ales all round.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 193

Dancing Ermine

I would offer but I'm taking a day off, I've been busy with other things. smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 194


Except for DE. another alcohol free lemonade |_|.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 195


*Gives everyone a smiley - ale*

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 196

Dancing Ermine

Thanks for the lemonade smiley - smiley

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 197


What's everyone up to?

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 198


Well, since everyone seems to have been served I'm off. Sadly the demands of the day job beckon smiley - sadface

Cheers everyone.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 199


I hat eit when reality interferes with H2G2 - shouldn't happen.

Six c|_| of bitter please, and make it quick as the world's about to end.

Post 200


'Bye BSsmiley - smiley
Not up to much, I'm afraid, except Evilsong later on...smiley - smiley

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