A Conversation for Love

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 181



i fell asleep. sorry. what'd i miss? i'll try to stay awake for more than five minutes in the future.

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 182

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Nada mucho... I think we all sort of fell asleep... smiley - smiley

I think (I don't remember and I'm too lazy to check today) RA and Peregrin and I were talking about what our Christmases were like... I think. I'm being unusually "poetic" today, in the lifestyle area, so I don't actually want to do anything today... (hehe, Skie, I think that's a poem beginning for me "'stop being such a poet'"). But hey, all my uni apps are in (except one, which I don't have yet), know all my mid-term grades, and despite my one in Bio, everything is happy and wonderful. smiley - smiley (hmm, we need a hippie smiley now)

Now if only someone would invent warp drive so I could go to Missouri and back in a few seconds... smiley - winkeye

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 183


*lies on back and waves legs in the air*

No particular reason, I'm just feeling rather bored.

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 184

Roasted Amoeba

I'm waiting for my McDonalds's to arrive... and getting hungry.

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 185

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I'm waiting around to fall asleep... smiley - smiley

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 186


What a productive bunch of people we are.

Today I think I'll root around frantically for my passport, which I can't find anywhere, and I'm leaving for Switzerland in a week's time.

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