A Conversation for Love

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 101

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Turned out the cheese was only just barely sentient. Little cheese-grunts and such. *shrugs* who knew?

Research... um... well, I have bunches of ideas of what I really ought to write on. But for the most part, I don't know enough about the topic in order to write an entry, or simply can't get myself into it in order to write. About the time school starts (four weeks), *then* I'll have wonderful ideas and lots of creative energy. I'm a bum smiley - smiley

*drowns her sorrows in the tea, which surprisingly hasn't become cold in the last month*

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 102

Roasted Amoeba

Won't the tea overflow?

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 103

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Um... what are you alluding to? smiley - winkeye

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 104


*hops up and down impatiently*

(I don't know why, I'm just hoping something will happen)

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 105

Roasted Amoeba

Amy: Well, you drowned your sorrows in the tea, and I'm assuming (by Archimedes' principle) that the tea had to go somewhere... ;o)

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 106

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Yes, well... the cup wasn't all *that* full, and I don't have *that* many sorrows. smiley - smiley Although, when I took another swig of it, it landed on my chin, so now it's dripping down my neck, which isn't very pleasant. So I guess you may have been right after all. *wipes chin with napkin*

*begins jumping up and down*

I want something to happen, too! Well, only if it's good. Boredom is better than the bad things in life...

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 107


Are your sorrows dead yet? It seems a little cruel drowning them in tea. Perhaps you should give them lethal injections instead. It'll stop the RSPCF (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Feelings) hunting you.

*wonders if he should stop jumping up and down now, seeing as he's been jumping up and down for 21 hours*

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 108

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

My sorrows are now getting quite suffocated... not quite dead yet, though. Lethal injections would be easier, I guess... but then, they've done such wrong to me... But. Anyway.

*stops jumping up and down since she's been doing so for over a week and has just realized school starts on Monday next...* Grrrr.

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 109



*takes a sip of tea, holding his little finger out appropriately*

Hmm. Where did this blu-tack come from?

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 110

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Yes, school starts in a day and a half. But hey, it's my senior year of high school (I'm not exactly sure what that translates into for English schooling), so it ought to be great. I hope. smiley - smiley

Forgive my ignorance, but what does "blu-tack" mean?

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 111

Roasted Amoeba

It's... ummm... blue tacky substance you use to stick things to the walls. And stuff. And things. smiley - smiley

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 112

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Ooooh... we have something like that here in the states, but it's a greyish-white goop.

First day of school is over... only 181 days more to go... smiley - smiley

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 113


Is it more fun than previous species of school years then?

*stands on his head*

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 114

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Right now, this school year does seem to be better than previous ones... I absolutely adore three of my classes: Bio 2 (because I love the teacher like a father), Western Lit. and Thought, "WeLT" (because I have a measly 16 people in my class, three great friends included in it, as well as a wonderfully neurotic teacher, and the material is great), and then French 5 (since the same people are in the class as have been the last two years in levels 4 and 3 and the teacher is like a surrogate mother to me). Luckily, those are spread out during the day so I always have something to look forward to. Unfortunately, my AP Calculus teacher is a complete idiot who doesn't actually teach-- she just runs over a list of topics the chapter in the book covers and somehow expects us to know everything already. If I sound a bit disgruntled, it's because I am. But, hey, other than that, life is actually pretty good... I mean, it has to be, I prayed for 15 minutes when I got home (unusual for me)-- everything is *always* pretty good after that. smiley - smiley

Peregrin, why are you standing on your head now? If I were doing it, I'd be rather dizzy by now....

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 115


Good smiley - smiley

I have a detachable head you see, and I don't want to get my feet wet so I'm standing on it.

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 116

Roasted Amoeba

I haven't prayed for 15 minutes for quite a while. smiley - sadface I want to, but, well, you know how it is...

I did blow my nose yesterday for 15 minutes smiley - bigeyes But I didn't really feel very good after that...

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 117


ROFL! Doesn't have quite the same effect does it!

I try to pray everyday but recently have been forgetting... I've never been able to pray on a regular basis tho' (eg. last thing at night *every* day), I'm useless with routines.

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 118

Roasted Amoeba

You're useless with routines? I would never have noticed... smiley - winkeye

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 119

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I abhore routines, but I have to use them nonetheless. Otherwise, I'd never be at school on time or get anything done, which my parents and teachers wouldn't look too kindly on.

I'm able to fit prayer in my routine for a couple of days in a row every few weeks... unfortunately, I'm often too tired or busy to do a respectable prayer. Odd, though... I also occasionally have nose-blowing fits that last a long time, and they happen more often than my prayer fits.

Methinks something needs to be changed there. smiley - smiley

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 120


Perhaps you could pray while blowing your nose.

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