A Conversation for Love

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 121

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

*snaps fingers*

Aha! Genius! smiley - smiley

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 122



Glad to be of service.

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 123

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

You're very welcome indeed.

Sorry that was a while in coming... school started about four weeks ago, and I've been pretty busy. Just came back to check up on the place...

*nailing up office numbers on door that had fallen off during her absense*

Now it's a Tea Party!

Post 124

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

You're very welcome indeed.

Sorry that was a while in coming... school started about four weeks ago, and I've been pretty busy. Just came back to check up on the place...

*nailing up office numbers on door that had fallen off during her absense*

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 125


Hello again smiley - smiley

How's school going?

I'm President of h2g2 now, in case you didn't know smiley - smiley

*Peregrin clicks his fingers and two presidential aides bring in a comfy sofa for Amy and Peregrin to sit on*

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 126

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Wow, a sofa.... coooooool. smiley - smiley

Congrats on the election... I voted for ya, if I'm allowed to tell you that. If not, well, then, forget I ever said that. smiley - smiley So what exactly do you do now that you're the prez? Other than get sofas, that is....

School's going well... I'm enjoying most of my classes, and the ones I'm not I can put up with for a while, at least. I also got second chair in band, which is nice. Unfortunately, I have two relatively huge projects due the end of this week and no time to finish them in.... hmm, maybe I should be doing them right now? Nah. smiley - smiley

Now, what's this I hear about cheese on toast? That sounds pretty good to me (despite the fact it's almost time to go to sleep...).

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 127


Thanks for the vote smiley - smiley
I haven't decided on everything to do now that I'm President... I'll write something for the Post, definitely, and I might make various pages like a lobbying page or something, and maybe an Alabaster House.

*Peregrin clicks his fingers again and a Cordon Bleh chef brings in two hotplates of assorted melted cheeses on toast, cooked to perfection...smiley - bigeyes*

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 128

Roasted Amoeba

Just because I'm an amoeba, I don't get a sofa smiley - sadface

I'm going to complain to the h2g2 Discrimination Department, wherever that is...

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 129


*Peregrin clicks his fingers and two minature presidential aides bring in a tiny amoeba-sized armchair with footrest and reading light, and a small snack of select protein strands*

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 130

Roasted Amoeba

Much better smiley - smiley

*happily munches on one of the delectable proteins*

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 131

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

So, now where are we?

Peregrin is President, RA is munching on protiens...Amy is resting up for a second shot at the SAT's tomorrow morning. I tell ya, this whole college/uni thing is too complicated. They know I'll survive just fine there. They should let me in gladly... and yet they force me to take three hour long tests that make me fall asleep...

... gotta love the US educational system. smiley - smiley

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 132


And I've stubbed my toe and fractured it smiley - sadface

Which means that it's doubly difficult to walk in the the job centre smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 133

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

awww.... poor Peregrin. I hope it heals quickly... but how on earth did you end up *fracturing* your big toe by stubbing it? (That is, I dropped a very heavy table on mine when I was small and all I managed to do was rip up my toenail...)

Anyhoo, feel better... smiley - smileysmiley - fish

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 134


It wasn't my big toe... it was the middle toe on my left foot. One of the ickle ones. A full report can be found at my FootCam site.

Thanks for the sympathy smiley - smiley

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 135

Roasted Amoeba

Well, if you ask me, it was a very silly thing to do. smiley - winkeye

Amy, is this SAT I or II? I did SAT I, and found the whole thing very boring. But then, I found most things at school boring... smiley - winkeye

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 136


Bleargh, American education systems. Sound almost as bad the English one. I bet it isn't as bad as the Welsh one though.

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 137

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

They were the SAT I's... I took them a second time just to see if I could improve on my score at all. Not that it was bad (cause it wasn't), but I was sick when I took them originally in April and wanted to see what I'd do if I was healthy. I actually kind of enjoyed taking them, which I guess just goes to show how much of a dork I truly am. The verbal section was okay, though they used "watershed" in a really weird way... and the math section was relatively easy, except for the last section. But it challenged me and made me think, which, believe it or not, I actually liked for a change. It was boring in a way... "ho hum, another verbal... *sigh* another pointless passage to answer vague questions about..." that kind of thing.

As far as education systems go, I can't see anything being worse than the American education system. I guess I've been lucky since they figured out early that I was quicker and more intelligent than the rest of my classmates and so have been able to take advanced courses for the last five and six years, but in the normal, "mainstream" classes, I've heard horror stories of students not actually learning *anything*, even for a test. It's all rote memorization, which an ape can do.

Anyway, speaking of learning... I hate to cut short, but I must go as I've a paper on Antigone to write... yippee! (NOT sarcastic) smiley - smiley

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 138


I was taught the Welsh language for approximately ten years, and now I can't remember anything except the Welsh for one to ten, and how to say that I'm really tired. I suspect that I learnt more than most of the class (except the Welsh-speaking ones, obviously) anyway.

The problem is that the syllabus for Welsh is completely disorganised. And like all subjects in Wales (and probably England), they shove everybody in the same class regardless of talent or intelligence.

For subjects like Geography, in the GCSEs (major exams, taken when you're about 15) we hardly learnt anything from the classes, I had to teach myself most of it, and use common sense in the exams to figure out the answers.

And don't get me started on Religious Studies... even the teacher couldn't be bothered to do anything in the class. Half of the time we literally did what we liked.

That's the Welsh education system for you... mind you, I did quite well in my GCSEs. So I went to a decent English school for my A-Levels, and got appalling results. smiley - sadface

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 139

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Hmm... sounds like bunches of fun. *sarcastic* Is there a sarcastic smiley now? I can't remember... anyhoo.

I got my results from my second chance at the SAT's this past Tuesday. They're very good (went up 110 points), and that's bad. Why? Now I need to start checking out colleges (sorry, universities) that are more worth that kind of a score. Or so my parents seem to think. This introduces all kinds of new stress and such because now I need to visit more college campuses, and fill out more applications, and write *more* essays. This whole process is very frustrating, cause I really can't do a whole lot right now until I go to my school counselor to ask her a few questions on finicial aid... yes, we have to pay for higher education here in the states. Lovely.

On the happy side, I'm getting a classical education (finally) this year in English class... Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, etc, etc, yahoo. smiley - biggrin I had no idea I was such a bookish geek. *smiles with geek-ey delight* It's a good thing.

Now it's a Cheese on Toast Party!

Post 140

Roasted Amoeba

Congratulations on your SAT results smiley - smiley And, errr... I hope you have fun looking at "higher class" universities... smiley - winkeye

Hmmm... this is the first time I've used h2g2 for, well, a long time. smiley - smiley

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