A Conversation for Love


Post 1

Roasted Amoeba

That is a wonderful article! smiley - smiley I think you are very brave to write something like that.

Have you heard of C. S. Lewis? He wrote some very good books about love, and its various forms. He splits love into four categories: friendship, affection, eros, and charity, with charity being the highest form, the love between God and man.

Love is something that, as you pointed out, is sadly misunderstood by a lot of people. If it was understood, properly understood, it would solve a lot of the world's problems. But then, I guess that one would have to hugely optimistic to ever expect that to happen...

By the way, I love the passage from 1 Corinthians. I think it's one of the most beautiful chapters in the whole Bible smiley - smiley


Post 2

Researcher 106973

I wonder how you think about my view on love. Visit my page and let me know what you think!


Post 3

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Thank ye all... hehehe. I'm so sorry I didn't respond earlier... I never can tell if someone's visited my page unless I actually go and check my pages. So thank you. smiley - smiley

Roasted Ameoba, yep, I've heard of CS Lewis and absoloutely love all of his books that I've read... I have to read "The Four Loves whenever I find it.

LoveTheNow!, I will visit your page as soon as I get a chance.... for it is quarter after ten on the east coast, and I'm getting mighty sleepy. *yawns*

~Amy †


Post 4

Researcher 106973

I just set up my page 2 days ago. This is the first response I got from the comunity. I am looking forward to hread how you think about my page. I am a love specialist smiley - smiley


Post 5

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

"I am a love specialist"... This I have gathered. smiley - smiley

I glanced through your page a little earlier... looks like some fun reading.

A fishy for you! smiley - fish

~Amy †


Post 6

Roasted Amoeba

Sorry I haven't replied for ages... it's these dreaded holidays that come every now and then, but fortunately it's over, for now anyway...

"The Four Loves" is a brilliant book. Have you read "A Grief Observed"? It is a slightly depressing book to read, since it was written just after his wife died, but it is very honest, and it is an amazing insight into how he really thought, and felt.

I must go and catch up on all those other forums I've been missing out on...

Bye bye.


Post 7

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

It's quite alright... don't worry. smiley - smiley

Yes... I want to read "The Four Loves" and "A Grief Observed" and "Mere Christianity" and "The Screwtape Letters" *and* I'm in the middle of reading the Science Fiction Trilogy, but I'm finding it rather boring. (why, I dunno; perhaps it's because I only get a chance to read during my study halls and it's rather hard to concentrate then). I just need to find them at the library... I read all the way through the Narnia Chronicles last Spring/Summer-y thing (end of school year) in a little over a week, finally understanding them. It was very much fun, and I absoloutely loved the last two books of the series.

Well, I'm blithering at the moment... so I shall bid thee a good-night/day... cursed time zones!... er, um, whatever. smiley - smiley

~Amy †


Post 8

Roasted Amoeba

I've never read any of his science fiction books - someday I'll find them, then I'll read them.

To change the subject ever so slightly, have you ever seen the movie "Shadowlands"? Although it's not entirely authentic, it's a very good film about the romance between C. S. Lewis and Joy Gresham. And it just happens to star Anthony Hopkins (one of my favourite actors) as Lewis...

I think that time zones were invented for the sole purpose of confusing people. And they're doing quite a good job.


Post 9

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I have to agree. But they're even worse in relation to jet lag... which I won't have to worry about much till late July, I hope.... smiley - smiley

As for the movie, I've never heard of it (but then, I've never heard of a lot of things... like reality... what's that again?), but if I ever come across it at the video store, I'll rent it. Sound interesting.

~Amy †


Post 10

Roasted Amoeba

Are you travelling somewhere in late July then?

Er, reality. Yes... ummmm.... I have wondered for a long time what that is. I think it could be what happens when one leaves h2g2, but even there I'm not sure about that... I have come to the conclusion that reality is a vague, boring, ethereal entity that certain people, namely the rest of the world, participate in.


Post 11

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Well, I was going to France with my French class this coming summer, but last night my family and I realized that there's no way I can possibly afford it, even if I get a job. smiley - sadface But I'll go someday. All that suffering two years ago (in the hard year: year II) must be for something.... I hope.

Reality? Possibly what most people experience when they leave h2g2 (which is always healthy, once in a while)... not me. I enjoy my fantasy world: my little bubble existance that I've created to keep myself sane. It's fun. smiley - smiley

Stop me before I go on a treatise on what "real" is.... I might go on forever.

~Amy †


Post 12

Roasted Amoeba

I'm sorry to hear about your non-trip to France... smiley - sadface

I found out something interesting about French people. They eat French food. Strange, isn't it?

You're quite welcome to do a treatise on what reality is... I'm all ears. Well, okay, I'm a little bit mouth too since I enjoy eating, but I'm mostly ears. smiley - smiley

I have tried - unsuccessfully - to keep myself sane. Now I've given up that idea, and my current project is to keep myself from being insane.


Post 13

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I'm not insane... yet. But I'm not sane either. Just crazy. Like I read a while ago, "Insane is when you're nuts and you don't like it. Crazy is when you're nuts and you like it." smiley - smiley

French food is good! Or so I've been told. I had some coq au vin last year, it was *enh* (whatever that means, haha). The one thing I really regret about not going is not having French bread all the time.

Give me a couple more snow days here on the east coast and I'll write ya a treatise... I just need time... or a clue as to what it is *exactly*. Ah well. I digress.

~Amy †


Post 14

Roasted Amoeba

Somewhere between insane and sane... hmmm... that's a good place to be... smiley - smiley

I heard a good quote once and I have taken it on as a motto: "I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it."

Reality, to be *exact*, is the absence of unreality. I think. But even there there are some complications...


Post 15

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

I LOVE that quote! I really must get myself a t-shirt with that on it... smiley - smiley

Reality... er, well, to be short (because I'm actually supposed to be writing an essay for my Civics and Global Perspectives class at school), it's what I'm not experiencing right now, and spend most of my time either running from (this would be "reality") or trying to see (this would be the real reality). All for now. Other forums... and an essay. Bye now.

~Amy †

Well, now this is interesting...

Post 16

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Hey, once I was done with my essay, I hopped on over to Smiley Ben's page about guide entries that needed rewritten. I was very surprised to see that "Love" was one of those topics. (http://www.h2g2.com/A3303) Hmm. Maybe I should edit mine a bit and then submit it... smiley - smiley Worth a stab, eh?

~Amy †

Well, now this is interesting...

Post 17

Roasted Amoeba

Glad you like the quote... smiley - smiley

I think submitting your entry on love is definitely worth a go! Maybe even 2 go's! And maybe... just maybe... THREE WHOLE GO'S!!! But I guess that's pushing it. Whatever "it" is. And why should you push "it"? Why not pull "it"? Or indeed just leave "it" where it is? And, er, why don't I shut up?

Well, now this is interesting...

Post 18

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

As soon as I get a few hours to myself to write about love and all its permutations, I will.... right now I have to write w term paper this weekend, as well work on the research for another, and two group projects. All this in one weekend because I have a LLMEA (Lancaster-Lebanon Music Educator's Association) County Band next weekend. Ah, the things I must do for my art. smiley - smiley

Well, now this is interesting...

Post 19

Roasted Amoeba

I know the feeling. My total hours on h2g2 this last week has been about 1 hour. 1 HOUR! All because I need to actually WORK this term... it's awful, truly awful.

Well, now this is interesting...

Post 20

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Awww. I have to work rather hard this semester too... three term papers, County Band, four concerts.... and a whole bunch of other crap that I really don't feel like doing... and NO STUDY HALLS!! smiley - sadface Ah, well, I guess it's better than actually being in the real world... I think. smiley - winkeye

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