A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season IX - "The Latin One"
McKay The Disorganised Posted Apr 3, 2004
Don't think so - feel free to vent your spleen. Is it going to be about how they play the man not the ball constantly ?
GreyDesk Posted Apr 3, 2004
No I just wanted to find someone to hit.
90 minutes of near total domination. Then two small incidences of the defence looking at one another, and Forest score on both occasions
creachy Posted Apr 4, 2004
he he, my mate i am going to Portugal with supports Forrest. i did think of you Greydesk when he told me they'd beaten Sheffield Utd, away. still, i was on my way to getting quite tipsy as a result of finishing Arsenals hopes of a treble.
COME ON CHELSEA!! (i know, it's just i'd rather Ranieri gets to salute the Abromovich board with a 2 fingered gesture come the end of the season than see Arsenal win anything. At all.)
GreyDesk Posted Apr 4, 2004
So much for Brechin v Ayr. No one, not anyone got a single point out of that game. It was a similar fate with Wednesday. I must have come as quite a shock for Grimsby who are hopeless to beat Sheffield who are merely not very good. But hey, them's the breaks I guess
This week I would like to talk about the rise of the quiet men.
All season long Owlatron has been there or thereabouts. He's been a no show on a couple of occasions which has knocked back his winning potential, with a bit of consistency he could rise to the very top and stay there! Then there is Bottletop who only joined us in Week 5. Since than he's quietly racked up 73 points. Never winning a week until now, but always it seems 2nd or 3rd in a week. Indeed if you look at the count back, Bottletop has put on 10 more points than our current leader, and leader for most of the season todd.
Bottletop and Owlatron - two forces for the future. Be afraid, be very afraid
The Results:
Newcastle 4-2 Everton (BELLAMY, Gravesen, Dyer, Shearer, Yobo)
Spurs 0-1 Chelsea (HASSELBAINK)
Wolves 1-4 Southampton (BEATTIE, Lundekvam, Camara, Phillips)
Grimsby Town 2-0 Sheffield Wednesday (MANSARAM, Crane)
Brechin City 0-3 Ayr United (BLACK, Smyth, Kean)
Bottletop - 11 points (Newcastle result & scorer; Spurs result, scorer & 1st scorer; Wolves result, scorer & 1st scorer)
Owlatron - 11 points (Newcastle result, scorer & 1st scorer; Spurs result, scorer & 1st scorer; Wolves result & scorer)
creachy - 9 points (Newcastle result & scorer; Spurs result; Wolves result; Grimsby result)
Master B - 9 points (Newcastle result, scorer & 1st scorer; Spurs result & score; Wolves result, scorer & 1st scorer)
todd_abraham87 - 9 points (Newcastle result & scorer; Spurs result; Wolves result, scorer & 1st scorer)
Psycorp603 - 8 points (Newcastle result & scorer; Spurs result; Wolves result & scorer)
WILD BIRIYANI - 8 points (Newcastle result, scorer & 1st scorer; Spurs result; Wolves scorer & 1st scorer)
sprout - 7 points (Newcastle result & scorer; Spurs result; Wolves scorer & 1st scorer)
Egon - 6 points (Spurs result & score; Wolves result & scorer)
me[Andy]g - 6 points (Spurs result; Wolves result, scorer & 1st scorer)
GreyDesk - 5 points (Newcastle result; Spurs result & score)
Number Six - 5 points (Newcastle result & scorer; Spurs result)
Ormondroyd - 5 points (Newcastle result & scorer; Spurs result)
McKay The Disorganised - 3 points (Newcastle result & scorer)
Otto Fisch - 3 points (Newcastle scorer; Spurs result)
This week's joint winners are Bottletop and Owlatron. Well done guys, you deserve it
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Apr 4, 2004
Great. Now I have to share my coveted 2nd spot. Out of the 14 weeks, for how many of them have I been 2nd or 3rd??
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Apr 4, 2004
Second 5 times, third 3, and yet I can't mount a sustained push for the top. Reminds me of a few seasons for Leeds under O'Leary... Glory days...
Bottletop. Posted Apr 4, 2004
Thanks, first (joint)top of the week.....yesss!,
"never underestimate a quiet man"... Who sad that, and where is he now eh?...
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