A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season IX - "The Latin One"
GreyDesk Started conversation Mar 28, 2004
Here's a few for you then. So get on with it then.
Newcastle v Everton
Spurs v Chelsea
Wolves v Southampton
Grimsby Town v Sheffield Wednesday
Brechin City v Ayr United - as requested here: F61824?thread=398700
Closing date 12noon on Saturday, 3rd April.
Don't expect me to post the results up early. I'm going to be in Sheffield that afternoon to watch the Mighty Blades cut Forest into little chunks and serve 'em up kebabed with minty yogurt (hopefully ). And it's a long drive home afterwards.
owlatronas Posted Mar 28, 2004
Newcastle v Everton 2-0(bellamy)
Spurs v Chelsea 1-3(hasslebaink)
Wolves v Southampton 0-1(phillips)
Grimsby Town v Sheffield Wednesday 1-2(ndumbu nsungu)
Brechin City v Ayr United 2-1(templeman)
egon Posted Mar 28, 2004
I thought you were going to have six this week to make up for the portugese debacle? And have you complketely ignored the FA Cup semifinals for a reason?
GreyDesk Posted Mar 28, 2004
I made no mention of six for this week. In fact until you came in with a specific request, I was thinking of having a mid-season break this week.
egon Posted Mar 28, 2004
Ah, I was obviously just presuming then, and thanks for the "battle of the Former Blue Brasilians" inclusion
creachy Posted Mar 30, 2004
Newcastle 2 - 1 Everton (Shearer)
Spurs 1 - 2 Chelsea (Keane)
Wolves 1 - 2 Southampton (Rae)
Grimsby Town 2 - 1 Sheffield Wednesday (Olsen)
Brechin City 2 - 1 Ayr United (P Campbell)
egon Posted Mar 30, 2004
and cowden legends Craigie Winter and Graeme "Broony" Brown recently joined brechin and Ayr respectively.
Mu Beta Posted Mar 31, 2004
Newcastle 2-0 Everton (Bellamy)
Spurs 0-1 Chelsea (Lampard)
Wolves 1-1 Southampton (Beattie)
Grimsby Town 0-2 Sheffield Wednesday (McMahon)
Brechin City 0-0 Ayr United
egon Posted Mar 31, 2004
Newcastle 2-2 Everton (Rooney, and the Geordie bastards will equalise in stoppage time)
Spurs 0-1 Chelsea (Gudjohnsen- are they picking him?)
Wolves 0-2 Southampton (Phillips- is he iin their team at the moment?)
Grimsby Town 0-0 Sheffield Wednesday
Brechin City 3-2 Ayr United (broony! broony!) [that's a prediction for Johannesburg's finest, Graeme Brown, to score by the way. And only because Craigie doesn't seem to score too often this season {or at least not when he was with the Blue Brazil} and he scored two weeks ago]
Bottletop. Posted Mar 31, 2004
Newcastle 2-0 Everton - Shearer
Spurs 0-3 Chelsea - Hasselbaink
Wolves 0-3 Southampton - Beattie
Grimsby Town 1-1 Sheffield Wednesday - Jevons
Brechin City 1-0 Ayr United - Fotheringham
Cheers Bottletop
Grandpa BIRIYANI Posted Mar 31, 2004
Newcastle 3 Everton 1 (Bellamy)
Spurs 0 Chelsea 2 (Gudjonson)
Wolves 1 Saints 1 (Beatie)
Grimsby 1 Owls 3 (Ndumbo Nsungo)
Brechin 1 Ayr 1 (Brown)
Ormandroyd......I dint know they called em "the blue brazilians"s" !!
me[Andy]g Posted Apr 1, 2004
Newcastle 1-1 Everton (Radzinski)
Tottenham 1-3 Chelsea (Lampard)
Wolves 0-2 Southampton (Beattie)
Grimsby 0-2 Sheff Wed (Ndumbu-Nsungu)
Brechin 2-2 Ayr Utd (Hardy)
egon Posted Apr 1, 2004
The team is "the blue brazil". Players and supporters are referred to as "blue Brazilians", programme is called "The Blue Brasilian".
The name is widely seen as a joke about the state of the team's football for most of the last fifty years, but there is a quite clearly flase story about the club record win being achieved due to three Brazilian illegal immigrants, who played after the manager told the ref they were normal players who hadn't had a chance to have a wash after going down the mine (not very enlightened, 1920s Fife) and they proceeded to score all the goals in the (I think) 9-2 win, before getting promptly deported.
Hopwever, since that story is quite obviously crap, I don't know why I botehred telling you.
The team actually ahve an away kit which is the same as the Brazilian home kit- have a look at http://www.cowdenbeathfc.com
Mu Beta Posted Apr 1, 2004
"Hopwever, since that story is quite obviously crap, I don't know why I botehred telling you."
Hmmm...it could have something to do with the fact that you always tell us crap stories...
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: GreyDesk (Mar 28, 2004)
- 2: owlatronas (Mar 28, 2004)
- 3: egon (Mar 28, 2004)
- 4: GreyDesk (Mar 28, 2004)
- 5: egon (Mar 28, 2004)
- 6: Grandpa BIRIYANI (Mar 30, 2004)
- 7: Ormondroyd (Mar 30, 2004)
- 8: creachy (Mar 30, 2004)
- 9: egon (Mar 30, 2004)
- 10: Mu Beta (Mar 30, 2004)
- 11: Number Six (Mar 31, 2004)
- 12: Mu Beta (Mar 31, 2004)
- 13: egon (Mar 31, 2004)
- 14: Bottletop. (Mar 31, 2004)
- 15: Grandpa BIRIYANI (Mar 31, 2004)
- 16: me[Andy]g (Apr 1, 2004)
- 17: egon (Apr 1, 2004)
- 18: Mu Beta (Apr 1, 2004)
- 19: egon (Apr 1, 2004)
- 20: Mu Beta (Apr 1, 2004)
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