A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season IX - "The Latin One"
GreyDesk Started conversation Mar 20, 2004
More Premiership stuff, though maybe a little harder to predict this time around. Also as we're all off to Portugal this summer, I thought I'd give you a little taster of what lies ahead.
Birmingham v Leeds
Everton v Middlesborough
Blackburn v Portsmouth
Carlisle v Southend
Beira Mar v Benfica
Closing date, 12noon on Saturday 27th March.
Best of luck to you all
creachy Posted Mar 20, 2004
i wouldn't call Carlisle v Southend much of a taster
incidently, i hear on good sources that the Turkish fans/thugs are still heading for Portugal with the sole intent of meeting the English fans out there. they must really like us
i'm not worried though, it'll take a whole army to get me out of the bar
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Mar 20, 2004
Paid my money, got my voucher for my final ticket if England get there. Unfortunately I have to send back my group game tickets, seeing as I have exams at the same time....
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Mar 20, 2004
*cough* France and Switzerland *cough*
But unfortunately, looks like either my Uncle or younger Brother will have them...
Mu Beta Posted Mar 20, 2004
Well, you can leave my ass alone!
Birmingham 2-0 Leeds (Hughes)
Everton 1-3 Middlesborough (Maccarone)
Blackburn 0-0 Portsmouth
Carlisle 3-1 Southend (Billy)
Beira Mar 1-0 Benfica (Simao)
Grandpa BIRIYANI Posted Mar 21, 2004
the only purpose I can see is to "confuse" us !!...I'll have a snoop around at their scores n that,,,
owlatronas Posted Mar 21, 2004
Birmingham v Leeds 1-2(smith)
Everton v Middlesborough 2-1(radzinski)
Blackburn v Portsmouth 2-2(cole)
Carlisle v Southend 2-1(mcgill)
Beira Mar v Benfica 2-1(petrolina)
egon Posted Mar 22, 2004
Birmingham 2-0 Leeds (mikael forsell)
Everton 2-2 Middlesborough (wayne rooney)
Blackburn 1-0 Portsmouth (jon stead)
Carlisle 1-4 Southend (leon constantine) *And apologies to my mate Jamie from Carlisle for that prediction...*
Beira Mar 0-4 Benfica (simao sabrosa)
Bottletop. Posted Mar 23, 2004
Birmingham 1-1 Leeds - Vaduka
Everton 1-1 Middlesborough - Rooney
Blackburn 0-0 Portsmouth
Carlisle 1-1 Southend - Simpson
Beira Mar 0-1 Benfica - Mantorras
Ormondroyd Posted Mar 24, 2004
I'm particularly puzzled by what the purpose of including the Beira Mar v Benfica game this week might be, since according to http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/europe/portugal_results/default.stm it took place last Sunday, and the teams aren't meeting again this weekend.
I am including a prediction below just in case they do have another encounter lined up and the BBC online football news compilers haven't noticed.
Birmingham 2-0 Leeds (Forssell)
Everton 1-0 Middlesbrough (Rooney)
Blackburn 1-0 Portsmouth (Flitcroft)
Carlisle 0-0 Southend
Beira Mar 0-1 Benfica (Simao)
GreyDesk Posted Mar 24, 2004
I can tell you it didn't say that when I set the team selection back at the weekend. I guess the BBC got the fixture list wrong and have only just noticed.
Oh well, it's a 4-game weekend this week
me[Andy]g Posted Mar 24, 2004
Birmingham 1-1 Leeds (Viduka)
Everton 3-3 Middlesbrough (Rooney)
Blackburn 2-0 Portsmouth (Stead)
Carlisle 2-1 Southend (Duffield)
Beira Mar 0-1 Benfica (Gomes)
McKay The Disorganised Posted Mar 25, 2004
Birmingham 0 - 1 Leeds - Smith
Everton 1 - 2 Middlesboro - Maccarone
Blackburn 2 - 0 - Gallagher
Carlisle 1 - 0 Duffield
And - I'm having an input
I feel - I feel - yes its.....
Beira Mar 0 - 1 Benfica - Gomes
Grandpa BIRIYANI Posted Mar 25, 2004
Birmingham 1 Leeds 1 ( Viduka )
Everton 1 Middlesbrough 2 (junhino)
BlACKBURN 1 POMPY 1 (Jansen)
Carlisle 2 Southend 0 (Duuffield)
todd_abraham87 Posted Mar 26, 2004
Birmingham 2 - Leeds 0 (Forssell)
Everton 0 - Middlesborough 2 (Maccarone)
Blackburn 2 - Portsmouth 0 (Cole)
Carlise 1 - Southend 0 (Duffield)
Beria Mar 1 - Benfica 2 (Simao)
sprout Posted Mar 26, 2004
Birmingham 1 v Leeds 1 Morrison
Everton 1 v Middlesborough 2 Maccarone
Blackburn 2 v Portsmouth 1 Yakubu
Carlisle 0 v Southend 2 Constantine
Can we deduct points from those who got the Portuguese result wrong despite it having already been played?
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: GreyDesk (Mar 20, 2004)
- 2: creachy (Mar 20, 2004)
- 3: Secretly Not Here Any More (Mar 20, 2004)
- 4: creachy (Mar 20, 2004)
- 5: Secretly Not Here Any More (Mar 20, 2004)
- 6: creachy (Mar 20, 2004)
- 7: Mu Beta (Mar 20, 2004)
- 8: Grandpa BIRIYANI (Mar 20, 2004)
- 9: GreyDesk (Mar 21, 2004)
- 10: Grandpa BIRIYANI (Mar 21, 2004)
- 11: owlatronas (Mar 21, 2004)
- 12: egon (Mar 22, 2004)
- 13: Bottletop. (Mar 23, 2004)
- 14: Ormondroyd (Mar 24, 2004)
- 15: GreyDesk (Mar 24, 2004)
- 16: me[Andy]g (Mar 24, 2004)
- 17: McKay The Disorganised (Mar 25, 2004)
- 18: Grandpa BIRIYANI (Mar 25, 2004)
- 19: todd_abraham87 (Mar 26, 2004)
- 20: sprout (Mar 26, 2004)
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