A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 661

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

Standing in the garden in the warm and light rain after a hot dry spell.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 662

Pink Paisley

Finding a small amount of money in trouser pockets that I didn't take out last time I wore them.


Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 663


"Driving in the correct lane as someone, who got it wrong, tries to cut in."

It *can* be pleasurable - it depends on how hard they try. smiley - winkeye

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 664

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }


No contact, alongside - windows down, passenger (other car) giving the evils. You smile and politely yell 'Wrong lane.'

Its best if your car is down market and their's is 'something special'. Even better if car behind really 'hangs them out to dry'.

Its just the one who cut the lanes to get ahead. Old dears, tourists, etc. you slow and let in.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 665

Pink Paisley



Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 666



Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 667


Haha, I quite like ironing too. Except I end up ironing creases into it. I like ironing other peoples stuff for that reasonsmiley - winkeye

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 668

Pink Paisley

Why can you never iron out, a crease that you have accidentally ironed IN?


Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 669


Crease is the word....... Digging up home grown potatoes.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 670

You can call me TC

Eating home grown potatoes

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 671


lunchtime drinks in the sun!

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 672

Titania (gone for lunch)

Thursday afternoons at 2 pm - this is where we take turns at my job hosting a departemental coffee break with accompaniment. Today, one of my colleagues had brought carrot cake and smiley - cheesecakesmiley - drool

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 673

You can call me TC

And a snooze afterwards!

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 674

You can call me TC

Whoops - that was after the lunchtime drinks, not after the coffee party.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 675

Mrs Bojangles

Pulverising into non existence at least one of the mosquitoes that's been feasting on me for the last couple of nights.

The bite on my big toe is just about the most itchy and infuriating I've ever hadsmiley - cross

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 676


Hello Mrs B, my feet are covered in bites too, but to stay relevent, I reckon I got bitten whilst engaging in the strangely pleasurable activity of blackberry picking with my grandson and his chum. Have you seen the price of blackberries in Waitrose? We must have picked a couple of pounds in half an hour, which Mrs Organ quickly converted to the loveliest crumble imaginable!

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 677

badger party tony party green party

Picking out in growing hairs with a pin prior to having a shave.

Plucking out nose hairs.

Getting out my little multi tool and secretly aligning the slots of screw on random objects like lightswitch fittings or on hasps and staples.

Holding lots of dominoes in your hand at one time.

Twirling the dog lead around your hand as you walk.

Walking the rest of the teps but jumping the last few.

Nibbling and licking all the outer layers of chocolate bar and saving the centre bit till last.

Moving your pint at just the last second as some idiot tries to clunk their glass down on yours "Just trying to liven upi your pint for you"
smiley - cross I know how to liven my own pint up when I feel the need. Idiots!

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 678


<> I knew it! You're a masochist smiley - biggrin

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 679



I would have to put that in the "little activities that seem fairly inoccuous but are actually pure evil torture" category!

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 680

badger party tony party green party

It hardly hearts at all.

I dont know how you see masochism in that?

Still if you look around you might see the odd thread where I can be seen banging my head a against a brick wall.

smiley - rainbow

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