A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 641

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

scratching between your toes when you take your socks off...

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 642

The Groob

Writing on metal with a felt tip pen.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 643


Pulling corks out of bottles.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 644


Getting in first in a newly opened jar of marmalade.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 645

Pink Paisley

Getting the same parking place at work every morning.


Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 646


crushing wotsits with my tongue on the roof of my mouth

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 647

Icy North

Getting rid of all your shrapnel (loose coppers) when you buy something at the newsagent.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 648

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

smiley - lurking

Pretending to go out without your trousers on and waiting for the predictable - "You're not going out LIKE THAT are you?"

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 649

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

throwing biscits at the tv/radio

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 650


Taking a tin foil ashtray and some old dogends to the pub and leaving them on the table when you leave.Pity i can't see the bewildered look on the landlords face as he wonders who was smoking and why he did not noticesmiley - laugh

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 651


Popping a blister.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 652

Titania (gone for lunch)

Finally managing to get the water out of your ear - bliss!

Actually, when I was a kid I used to deliberately drop water into my ear just to enjoy getting it out... what? Don't look at me like that!

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 653

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

listening to people saying what little activities that are strangley plesureable

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 654


wearing jeans to the office on a Friday!

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 655

You can call me TC

I agree with kipper - reading this thread is one of the joys of lunchtime!

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 656

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

Rubbing the leaf of a tomato plant - the smell.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 657


Arriving at traffic lights just as they turn green.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 658


I get too attached to anything I bake, I'm almost in tears if it has to be thrown away (I'm not actually good at baking, just enjoy it).

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 659

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

Driving in the correct lane as someone, who got it wrong, tries to cut in.

Little activities that are strangely pleasurable

Post 660


Watching CJ's face as he's sitting at the back having been asked to leave the studio yet again, on the giant screen on Eggheads, come on I know you all record it!

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