A Conversation for The h2g2 Circus

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 281


Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't. That time they did. smiley - smiley Last time they didn't. smiley - run

How about the Tilden/Hays election? That one didn't work out either. Hays made a dreadful president.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 282


smiley - run

He was against Taft, who was from Ohio, and Teddy Roosevelt, whose name I like smiley - smiley
Rutherford B Hayes was from Ohio too smiley - biggrin

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 283


Do you have any idea how bad Taft was? I hate to bring it up, but he was in the bottom 5. We haven't had very good luck with Presidents from Ohio. smiley - whistle You'll have a tradition to overcome when you run.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 284


Let's see...

William Henry Harrison
Ulysses S Grant
Rutherford B Hayes
James A Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
William McKinley
William Howard Taft
Warren Harding

(from memory smiley - bigeyes)

So no modern Presidents and no great presidents... But we do have the only President to serve in two non-consecutive terms!

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 285


You'll be a great president. smiley - hug So the curse will be broken. smiley - ok


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 286


smiley - biggrin Well obviously.

My first act - more BBC in america smiley - ok

And more sheep grazing pastures and libraries.

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 287


That's a good beginning. I don't know how the BBC bit will fly with your conservative base in Ohio. But the other two will be hits. You could put the pastures next to the libraries so kids could learn about shepherding. And the libraries could use the extra parking. smiley - whistle


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 288


smiley - laugh
Deal! smiley - smiley

I'm so used to the BBC now, I can't trust CNN. Least of all Fox news smiley - winkeye So I need it on TV!

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 289


If you're President, you can have a live BBC reporter just come into the oval office and read you the news in person. smiley - run


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 290


Would he have diagrams?

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 291


News, diagrams, maps, tea and crumpets. What a deal.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 292


Well I'll have my own SIT room where generals and stuff can brief me

Why do I need this?

*wanders off*

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 293


Why do you need to be president or why do you need news reporters and generals?


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 294


The BBC when I'm president!

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 295


You have a point. Unless you're terribly liberal they'll pillory you anyway. And you'll be the most powerful man in the world. It will be up to you to Make the news.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 296



Definitely not liberal smiley - ok

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 297


smiley - biggrin Definitely not.

More mopderate, I would guess. Moderate is good. Extreme is bad.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 298


However, I would like a more liberal treatment of my contract. Now I'm lion taming as well, I have 4 jobs! And you'll have me cleaning up after the elephants if I'm not careful. Do you know how hard it would be to shovel s**t with an 8 foot beard?

Whereas you only have one job and a Napoleonic complex.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 299


smiley - hug I can't be Napoleon. I'm too tall smiley - smiley

No, we'll have someone else cleaning the elephant excrememnt smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 300

Titania (gone for lunch)

*a smiley - clown(<--just using it because that trapeze artist doesn't like it!smiley - winkeye) comes stumbling in*

A bearded lady? This I've got to see!

*The Clown from top to toe:
A several sizes too small bowler hat
An orange curly wig
A red nose in a sad face reminding you somehow of Droopy
A too big shirt with a pattern of big, brightly coloured flowers
Pink suspenders to hold up the
Black and white striped trousers draped around
A suspiciously big and rounded belly
Several sizes too big shoes*

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