A Conversation for The h2g2 Circus

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 181


I bet they would. 42nd wonder of the world just comes off as arrogant, because you're the 5,030,003rd wonder at best smiley - winkeye

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 182


Well, I don't want to seem arrogant. smiley - erm

smiley - rainbow42,000,000,000.076

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 183


smiley - laugh

Oh, I know. Deus named you 42nd wonder of the world. Tis a compliment smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 184


Nope. You ruined it. No more wonder of any number.

smiley - cross

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 185


Don't be smiley - cross

Change your name back smiley - smiley You're at least the 42 wonder!

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 186


You said I was the 5,030,003rd wonder. Which is it?

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 187


Well the 42nd of course.

I was confused

smiley - run

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 188


First you saddle me with a cheap ferret beard then you insult me and tell the entire world that I'm 5,030,033 on the wonder fo the world list. And you insulted my lemon poppy seed muffins, and the Cardinals! Then you look all sweet and say don't be cross.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 189


5,030,033 is damned good out of 6 billion people and even more architectural masterpieces.

Lemon poppy seeds- I'm sorry smiley - grovel

You can take off the ferret beard, fine. I gave you 42 reasons though

But I will not apologize about the Cardinals. Make fun of the Reds. Go on smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 190


Nah. Making fun of the Reds is too easy. smiley - run

I don't mind so much that my beard is made of ferrets as that it's 8 feet long. I keep tripping over it. and I don't need any more injuries.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 191


We make fun of the reds in Dayton a lot, because we're close enough to follow them, but far enough to laugh at their defeat.

Just wear it backwards. There's a good Hypatia!

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 192


Seriously, the Reds have a great history. The midwest has very deep baseball roots. I'm tired of the coastal mentality in this country. smiley - steam


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 193


Well, history yes- the big red machine and all, but right now, not as much as often smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 194


If you're a fan, you're a fan. Teams have periods of ups and downs. Unless you're the Yankees and have enough money to hire God.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 195


God is for hire? smiley - run

At least the Reds aren't the worst team...

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 196


True. They're not even almost the worst team. And they're in the NL, which is good. And they have a new stadium, which is good and means they have a future there, unlike the Cardinals who threaten at least 4 times a year to move across the river if the taxpayers don't subsidize them. smiley - cross And they have a long history which makes them better than one of the franchise teams. Old blood, you know. Someone who lives in the Dome would understand things like old blood.


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 197


Old blood? Certainly not. We ship all our old people to Florida...

Yeah, they're not a bad team. Like Yogi Berra said 'I ain't in a slump, I just ain't hittin' ' smiley - biggrin

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 198


Yogi is certainly colorful. I wonder what he'd have to say about a bearded tattooed lady?


Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 199


Yup. I like Yogi, he's funny to listen to.

smiley - blacksheep

Hypatia the Bearded Lady!

Post 200


Are you too young to remember Yogi Bear and BooBoo? Better than the average bear.smiley - smiley


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