The h2g2 Post 07.09.06

1 Conversation

Posted: 7th September 2006



Welcome Back

So, how was your summer? The Post returns after its August

hiatus, as Shazz and I both had holidays and a lack of Internet.

I, for one, spent five weeks on a rural island, which was by

turns mildly interesting and by turns incredibly dull. All in

all, it's good to be home again, for all that school has started


In my absence, things are stirring on h2g2 again as others

return from the summer. The concept of a group of 'AViators' (not a typo - the AV refers to

'audio-visual') who could manage multimedia content for the Guide

is being discussed, in addition to the possiblity of an h2g2

podcast. The idea is still in the developmental stages, but I,

for one, hope that it will breath life into a Guide that is

sitting somewhat stagnant at present.

We've got an especially large issue of The Post for you this

week, as we've had an entire month to compile submissions. We

wish, of course, that our front page could be this full every

week — so we encourage you readers, as always, to submit

your own writing via the email link at the bottom of this page or

at the Post Office. Enjoy a new serial,

a new column and all of our old favourites. Good to see you all

back again!

5 years on and still the world remembers. Why not take a few minutes to check the Reactions to September 11th 2001 archive where some of our members put their thoughts into words for The Post... shazz



















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