The h2g2 Poem

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For Dax and Tuc

There are angels that watch over me

They follow wherever I may be

They're there with me day and night

I'm constantly within their sight.

Their love surrounds me like a shimmering cape

And demons, my soul, they'll not allow to rape

The fear in my heart they will keep entrapped

For all my strength fear will surely sap.

I can't put out my hand to touch him or her

But their presence is so strong I know they are there

I can feel their breath on the summer breeze

And hear their sighs across the seas.

And though my path is long and winding

I know my angel's love is binding

So as I clamber along this rocky road

They'll help to carry this unbearable load.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Poetry by Cal Fortuneswell

Cal Fortuneswell

07.09.06 Front Page

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