A Conversation for Black Holes

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 21

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

Now now, cut the negativity! Everyone likes your entry, and they're all helping to make it even better smiley - cheers

My main point about your grammar was that in almost every instance, where you are referring to to something, you say 'it's circumference' or 'it's diameter'.
This is one of the most common errors in English, or so I'm told.
The thing is, 'it's' is short for 'it is' _at all times, under all circumstances_, it does not signify ownership of something. That you do by writing 'its' , and as far as I understand this rule, this particular bit is an exception...
Of course, since it isn't just nonsense, spell checkers don't catch it...

As for where these are, try the first few paragraphs in the History bit, and there will be plenty there.

Hope this helps smiley - smiley

cheerssmiley - disco ismarah

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 22


Also, if you miss some of the grammatical stuff it can be taken care of in the sub-editing. You don't have to speak and spell perfik inglich to have an edited entry smiley - winkeye

When you feel the entry is complete content-wise we'll give it a going over then see if any Scouts bite smiley - ok

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 23

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

Miloso - then again, if someone points these out here in Peer Review or somewhere else, it's easy enough to fix. Subs do the rest, it's true, but we are unpaid volunteers, just like so many other programs on here...smiley - ok

cheerssmiley - disco ismarah

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 24

Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

But negativity rhymes with relativity....
Which is the entire basis for my staying sane on this planet!

I'll look for those errors in intense detail, I had always thought it was "it's" because it's possesive, as in if you used a person's name instead of it... ex:
Gretta's circumference...
It(')s circumference...

Thanks for the advice, I'll just hop along and fix that now!
smiley - towel

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 25


in the article it says "Time travel to the past would be impossible theoretically and here’s how. If somebody went back into the past and changed it to somehow prevent his or her birth, he or she couldn’t have ever been born to go back in time to change it, therefore he or she was born and could go back in time, but couldn’t if he or she wasn’t born. These contradictions prevent time travel to the past in theory. One therefore couldn’t change the past, so one couldn’t get there in the first place. What would happen if one were to go back, thinking that he or she could just leave everything alone isn't known. Something, could be anything from squashing some squirrel with the time machine that would have otherwise crawled down President Bush's underpants and given him the bite of his life, causing him to call of all attacks and therefore not exposing his son (now the pres. of the USA) to warfare, to simply sitting in some gum that someone else was meant to sit in. One could almost not alter something in the slightest way. This is only theory though, and will most likely not be able to be proven for quite a while. Some even wonder if the theorized wormholes (tunnels in space that link distant places) could take one back in time."

I have to wonder if the entry wouldn't be better off without this paragraph. it doesn't seem to add anything or even fit in all that well. I like the rest though.

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 26

Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

Who else agrees that I should remove this? This was one of the most difficult paragraphs to write for me, and it is a hard thing to describe in one paragraph. I honestly don't like it, so unless their are any objections, I'm going to take it out.
Thank you for straight out telling me to get rid of it, most everyone else has been trying to help me fix it, and don't get me wrong, I am grateful, but that is just a pain to describe.

I think I'll go delete it now...

smiley - towel

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 27

Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

All done! I feel much better about this entry!

Thanks for all of the advice, however, any other advice would be appreciated, but I feel like it's finally much better.


A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 28

Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

I've added onto the name because I'm not sure too many people knew what this entry was even about. Should I change it back or is it alright like this?

smiley - towel

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 29

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I think a simple title like 'Black Holes' would be better. At least lose the nutshell bit. 'Into the Abyss - Black Holes' is dramatic but the nutshell thing sort of shrinks it all down.

And at that length it's hardly a nutshell. A331101, on the other hand, is a black hole in a nutshell. Does this article replace that one?

You need to spend a bit of time with the search facility finding some links to other h2g2 articles. A BBC link would be good too. The Editors seem to like links smiley - winkeye.

Great article smiley - smiley.

Amy smiley - ant

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 30


smiley - wow This entry has attracted a lot of top quality commentary. You are on to a winner here Interstuber!

I found the title slightly clumsy and would tend to agree with Amy that it should be simpler. I thought it was about ocean trenches originally! smiley - silly

You say "In conclusion, black holes may seem so very distant and invisible, but in actuality are closer than ever" - that seems to conflict with your statement that "the nearest black hole is well over 15 light years away, which is about eighty-eight trillion miles away" - I know that astronomically speaking, 15 light years is right next door, but it still seems somewhat contradictory to me.

What exactly is meant by "As for the other end of a black hole’s life, nothing will be able to be viewed for many many years" - when you say many many years, do you mean human years, in that we still don't have the technology to see a dying black hole, or that none of them will die for many billions of years yet?

That's about it for me. Thanks interstuber for an interesting and stimulating article.

smiley - peacedoveWoodpigeon

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 31

Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

Links and I have issues. I can never make them work correctly. I fixed the other things but some linkage help would be appreciated!
smiley - towel

A1034803 - Into the Abyss(es)

Post 32

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Say you want to turn the word 'vampires' in the first paragraph into a link to A273566. All you do is replace 'vampires' with the code


smiley - smiley

Amy smiley - ant

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 33

h2g2 auto-messages

Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've therefore moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

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Post 34

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

smiley - bubbly

spelugx - <./>scout</.>

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Post 35

Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

So much for the links...

*practically soils self due to overwhelming excitement*

Thanks for all of your help everyone!


And now, to make you dizzy in my dizzy excitement:

smiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towelsmiley - towel

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 36


Yoohoo! smiley - cheers Well done!

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Post 37

David Conway

smiley - bubbly

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Post 38

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

smiley - smileysmiley - bubbly
smiley - disco

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 39


smiley - bubbly

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