A Conversation for Black Holes

The famous paradox

Post 1


"If somebody went back into the past and changed it to somehow prevent his or her birth, he or she couldn’t have ever been born to go back in time to change it"

OK, agreed. But what about someone who went back into the past and DID NOT change it to prevent his or her birth? When you get into it and turn the ignition key, the time machine does not know whether or not you intend to create a paradox, does it? Maybe you're going back to do something entirely innocuous (and yes, I know all about butterflies in China and hurricanes in Mexico, but I still say innocuousness is possible).

Just thought I'd ask.

The famous paradox

Post 2


...and I have no idea where that garbage in 'couldn't' came from. Maybe it's a squashed paradox....

The famous paradox

Post 3

Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays)

Time travel for dummies would be a good entry, or possibly, time travel for those who are of lesser intelligence(to be politically correct). It's a very confusing concept to grasp, as there isn't many symbols to associate with it! I myself get lightheaded and giddy when I think about it
smiley - dragon

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