A Conversation for Black Holes
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Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays) Started conversation Jun 13, 2003
I've done the fixing that was suggested, how's it looking now?
Is it or is it still more of a
ish sort of thing?
Newer and (hopefully) Improved?
Intersturber (scout, but only on thursdays) Posted Jun 13, 2003
I've always wondered, what IS the difference between a very large freckle and a very small mole? There should be some sort of sub-class for that sort of thing. Sorry, just hoping for some feedback and normally for that, one must draw strange attention to oneself. READ MY BLACK HOLE ENTRY, OR SUFFER!!!!!!! Not really, unless you hate not reading, then you will suffer from lack of reading material, but even then you could just go read something else. La la la, I'm rambling, aren't I, well, I'd best be off!
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