A Conversation for The Lord Mike Saga

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 1

Chewable Acidophilus

1.) Which of these is the odd one out? "Time and the Barney", "101 Fumigations" or "Attack of the Spoilers "?


2.) Which of these is the odd one out? "Bwhahahaha!", "Casino Raele", "The Trial of a Spy Lord" or "The Curse of the Spoiler Board!!!"


3.) Which of these is the odd one out? "Attack of Spoilers", "Albino Royale", "New Years Honours", "Casino Raele" or "101 Fumigations"?


4.) Which of these is the odd one out? "The Diary of Dr. L Oswald Baylis", "A Kipper Called Ken", "New Years Honours", "Albino Royale"


5.) Which of these is the odd one out? "Steven Versus the Cybermen", "Steven Versus Assorted Who Villains", "Steven Versus Regular Employment" or "Lord Mike and the Guide Entry"


6.) Which of these is the odd one out? "Spoila" posing 7, pretty much every other post in "Spoila", "Albino Royale" or "Attack of the Spoilers!"?


7.) Which is the odd one out? "List of Adventures", "Well, well, well, it's come to this..." or "Mike Mills USA"?


8.) Who is the odd one out? Pamela Rae, Mike Mills, The Hurricane or Lance Baylis?


9.) Who is the off one out? Matt Painter, The Stainless Steel Rat, James Lindsay or Elizabeth Ann Brideford?


10.) Which is the odd one out? "For Stake and Kidney Pies Only", "Lord Mike and the Guide Entry", "Albino Royale" or "Steven Versus Assorted Who Villains"


I will be truly amazed if anyone gets any of these right. Remember to give reasons with all of your answers too, as there is no doubt more than one answer...


0 - idiot
1 - amazing
2 - genius
3 - lucky guesses
4 - you have way too much time on your hands
5 - incredible
6 - more lucky guesses
7 - I very much doubt it
8 - what do you do all day; sit here reading old Lord Mike stories?
9 - You've looked at the answers
10 - You are Steven Ford

Answers to be posted later...

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 2

Mike Zigrosi

1) "Attack of the Spoilers" as the other two were both written on h2g2

2) I'm sad to admit it but I don't know, though I feel I should

3) Is it "Casino Raele" because all of the others are written in script and that one's in pros?

4) Nope

5) "Lord Mike and the Guide Entry" because it is the only one not to form part of the Steven Versus Trilogy.

6) Lost me once more

7) "Mike Mills USA" as it is an actual adventure whilst the others are just threads.

8) It's probably really obvious but I just can't figure it out

9) Lissa as the other three all appeared in the very first adventure "Bwhahahaha!"

10) "Steven Versus Assorted Who Villains" as it is the only one to feature Matt Painter.

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 3

Ecnal Silyab

2) Does one of them feature the Rat while the others don't?

3) Mikey isn't quite right there. Albino Royale wasn't written in Script form either. Darned if I know the answer though. smiley - smiley

4) Albino Royale because it features Lord Mike, while the others don't? (I haven't read "New Years Honours" for a while, so can't quite recall it ...)

6) They don't feature Sir Lance?

8) The Hurricane, because he hasn't actually featured in our adventures?

I class myself a Doofus Stupiditus. Which is good. smiley - biggrin

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 4

Mike Zigrosi

I was in New Years Honours and the Hurricane has actually appeared in a fair few of our adventures (you'd be surprised)

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 5


2)Curse of the Spoiler Board because it doesnt feature Lord Mike.

I'm probably wrong smiley - winkeye

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 6

Chewable Acidophilus

You're all thinking too obvious.

Here, I'll give you some clues:

1.) Think typos...

2.) Think titles...

3.) Think continuity... (i.e. "gosh, I remember that time several stories ago when something happened..."

4.) Think who's in it, but more importantly, when they're in it...

5.) Think what they're about and what they say they're about (the answer isn't as obvious as you think, Mike... ie, it's a trick question)

6.) Think Douglas Adams...

7.) Think canon, and criteria for canon, according to Mike

8.) We all have a number...

9.) "If you'd like to talk to some of the regular contributors to the Lord Mike Saga I've included some links to their pages below;"

10.) Think endings...

Anyway, hope I haven't been too criptic there. Anyway, here's an example of one of the answers, so you can see the sort of things that are the odd one out:


"101 Fumigations" is the off one out. All three stories feature spelling mistakes that are picked up in the next post by the next author, except "101 Fumigations" where the spelling mistake is picked up by the same person who made it.

They are very hard, but I hope when you see the answers you can see how to get them...

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 7

Mike Zigrosi

2) "The Curse of the Spoiler Board" because on the List of Adventures there are two stories listed as "The Trial of a Spy Lord", two along the lines of "Bwhahahaha!" and "Casino Raele" and "Albino Royale" both take the mick from Casino Royale

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 8

Chewable Acidophilus

Well, here's the rest of the answers, I believe there are a couple that are a bit iffy, but just pretend they're not. Enjoy:

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread - ANSWERS

1.) Answer: "101 Fumigations" all three stories feature spelling mistakes that are picked up in the next post by the next author, except "101 Fumigations" where the spelling mistake is picked up by the same person who made it.


2.) Answer: "Bwhahahaha!" - all of theses stories are followed by another story, which has a very similar title:

"The Trial of A Spy Lord" "The Piles of A Burt Ward"

"The Curse of the Spoiler Board!!!" "The Curse of the Bleeding Tongue!"

"Casino Raele" "Albino Royale"

But "Bwhahahaha!" is followed by "Bwwhahahaha!" which is the same word but just spelt slightly different.


3.) Answer: Albino Royale. All of the other stories make a passing reference to Albino Royale, in some part, except Albino Royale, which is all about itself (obviously).


4.) Answer: "A Kipper Called Ken", all of the others have main characters which don't appear until the third of fourth post, except "A Kipper Called Ken" where all the main characters appear in the first post, and then disappear by the third of fourth post.


5.) Answer: "Steven Versus Regular Employment". In all of the others, the title is actually what the story is about, but in "Steven Versus Regular Employment", it isn't i.e., Steven looses his job, so no longer has regular employment.


6.) Answer: "Spoila" posting 7. All of the others feature quotes from Douglas Adams, but without mentioning him by name. In "Spoila" posting 7, the man who uses them is being sued by Adam's estate.


7.) Answer: "Mike Mills USA". Both of the other two, meet the "criteria" for being canon, but aren't - they are written on by two Mike Mills writers, in script or story form. "Mike Mills USA" doesn't meet the criteria for being canon - only one Mike Mills writer writes it, and yet it is canon.


8.) Answer: Lance Baylis, all of the others have an 8 in their researcher number on H2G2 - Lance doesn't.


9.) Answer: Matt Painter, on the Mike Mills Saga page, there is not a link to any of these people, but only Matt actually has an H2G2 page.


10.) Answer: "For Stake and Kidney Pies Only". All of these stories have a version of "The end" at the end, but only in this one, is what's written actually "THE END" - the others end with "Das end", "end the" and "not the end, merely the beginning...


Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 9

Chewable Acidophilus

Very close - I've put the answer now though, and bascially you got it right but the wrong way round. smiley - smiley

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 10

Mike Zigrosi

Where is Matt's page? I'd like to put a link to it from the Saga Page

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 11

Ecnal Silyab

Could this be him?


I doubt it, honestly. But it's a funny page to find when searching h2g2!!! smiley - biggrin

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 12

Mike Zigrosi

Hee hee hee... How long's he been in there now? smiley - winkeye

Did you get Attack of the Spoilers Lance?

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 13

Ecnal Silyab

Since the 29th of April 1999, apparently. smiley - smiley

Yes, got it through perfectly. Cheers! smiley - winkeye

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 14

Chewable Acidophilus

I'm afraid I don't know where Matt's space actually is, but he mentioned to me that he was signed in, so I thought that was perfect for an odd one out question... don't ask me why, since none of you would have actually known the answer... anyway, he said he hadn't worked out how to use it yet, and I think it's just one of those "this researcher hasn't written anything yet" ones.

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 15

Ecnal Silyab

Maybe the above link is him then? smiley - biggrin

Or perhaps the Researcher himself?




Steven - I wasn't aware that "Mike Mills: USA" was canon. It certainly wasn't the intention! smiley - erm

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 16

Chewable Acidophilus

I wasn't sure, but I thought it was being counted as canon... ah, we'll have to wait until a NEW list of Mike Mills adventures is written by Mike... speaking of which, isn't it time you updated the old list Mike? There are over 100 stories now, are there not?

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 17

Mike Zigrosi

Yes, I will post the updated list now. I'm afraid there's some creative license as to the placement of the uncreated episodes that Steven created (or Lord Mike and the Loch Ness Monster would have been the 100th adventure!)

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 18

Chewable Acidophilus

Well, the "Mike Mills Stories that Weren't" were never actually made, they were submissions that never started on the rocky road to production, so you don't have to count them, you know.

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 19

Mike Zigrosi

Ah, but if I don't include the,m now then that means Improbably Plan: 100 isn't the 100th story and that kind of destroys the whole point of it.

It's not easy compiling these lists you know... smiley - winkeye

Steven Ford's Odd One Out Thread

Post 20

Ecnal Silyab

What's this "improbably Plan" thingy then? smiley - smiley

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