The Lord Mike Saga

47 Conversations

Since August (the twenty-sixth of August to be more specific) 2002 the Lord Mike Saga has played out at irregular intervals across the internet. They began innocently enough when one young soul (that's me by the way) stepped forth to defeat the evil Stainless Steel Rat who had asperations of board-wide domination.

In that first adventure our intrepid hero (loosely based upon myself, sounds kinda vain I know, but hey) was joined by his able assistant Captain Matt Painter. Together, with the Mills-mobile (which would later become a fixture of the Mike Mills saga) the two set off on a quest to save the lovely Miss Dalby and the whole of boarddom. This adventure was entitled Bwahahahahaha! and it proved a hit success.

As time progressed many more spin-offs and sequels were posted. Naturally enough a number of new regulars were introduced and the first of these was another sidekick for Mills, Steven Ford. Steven Ford was introduced in the story Steven Ford Versus Various Who Monsters and soon became a firm favourite among fans. Two more "regulars" were later introduced, Lance Bayliss and Lady Marian.

Sir Lance was essentially another companion in the same mould as Painter and Ford but with the added essential that Mills didn't really like him much! Her Ladyship was the perfect foil for Mills, a female version of himself in many ways.

But from what I've written above you may be under the influence that the Mike Mills saga is entirely serious, I assure you nothing could be further fromt he truth. Just to look at the various titles of adventures is enough to vetoe this idea, titles such as A Green Cat Contest, Fjord-By-Fjord West and my personal favourite Albino Royale (which featured a time travelling taxi, a meglomaniac trying to create a channel tunnel and Paul McGann).

Now I've put all this up no doubt Marian, Steve, Matt and Lance'll come and beat me up...

List of Adventures


1) Bwhahahaha!

2) Casino Raele

3) The Adventures of Michael Mills

4) Evil Evil

5) Attack of the Nasty People

6) Albino Royale

7) Children of the Resolution

8) Hymens Aren’t Forever

9) From Prussia With Love

10) Steven Versus the Cybermen

11) Steven Versus Assorted Who Villains

12) Jelly Babies 5

13) Steven Versus Regular Employment

14) Bwwhahahaha!

15) The Man With the Older Pun

16) The Rogue: Moulin

17) Trial of a Spy Lord

18) The Return of Mike Mills Returns II

19) Mask of Mandy Gorman

20) Twilight of the Mods

21) A NEW REIGN OF TERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

22) Alternatives and Laxatives

23) The rein of evil will coninue

24) Ahhh! Ze flashing knobs!

25) Arc of Infinity

26) Live and Let Live

27) Tomorrow Is Another Day

28) Never Say Jellybaby Again

29) Womb of the Cyberben


30) New Year Honours

31) A Green Cat Contest

32) Fjord by Fjord-West

33) Del Monte or Bust

34) Rat and Company

35) Lost in the Rat Dimension

36) Dimension Sin Time

37) TV Movie

38) The Piles of A Burt Ward

39) The Trial of A Spy Lord

40) Sangria

41) ?

42) …here on CNN the news comes first

43) Yet Another Mike Mills Adventure

44) Lord Mike Live At the Apollo

45) The Curse of the Bleeding Tongue!

46) Attack of the Spoilers

47) Lord Mike and the Guide Entry

48) Muahahahaha!

49) Here’s an almost empty board…

50) Vengeance of the Evil Ones

51) Board Cutaway

52) The Silly Makers

53) Bonjour!

54) The Borad Awards 2003: The Winners!

55) The Diary of L Oswald Bayliss

56) Hellfire! It’s the Brimestone Club!

57) 101 Fumigations

58) The Royal Wedding Thread

59) The Live Inferno Club

60) Master Plan X

61) The Board Civil War

62) A Deserted Prison

63) The Honeymoon

64) Hullo Lord Mills!

65) The Curse of the Spoiler Board!!!

66) The Scrabble Games


68) Dread and Despair

69) The Lord of the Strings

70) A Kipper Called Ken

71) Lord Mike and the Banner Men

72) The Thyme Machine

73) Time and the Barney

74) The Unknown of the Boards!

75) Hunt and Stalk

76) Terror of the Mods!

77) Masters of the Boards!

78) Battle of the Boards!

79) Pub’s Open!

80) Triple Trouble Whizz-Bang Wonders

81) Hey! Lord Mike!

82) Trials of an Enigmacist-in-Training

83) The Guy In the Ointment

84) Mike Mills: Unbound 1 – Bored Mike

85) Mike Mills: Unbound 2 – Heroes: Reunited

86) Dr Bobo

87) Fishfinger

88) Mike Mills – USA

89) In the Light of Darkness

90) Full Scream Ahead!

91) Almonds Are Forever

92) The Welsh Are Coming! And They Look Angry Too!

93) The System

94) Lord Mike and the Giant Tap

95) The Curse of Mike Mills’ Mills

96) The Rat That Got Away

97) The True Mike Mills Adventures

98) The Miketrix

99) The 10 Mills

100) Improbable Plan: 100

101) Mike Mills and the Loch Ness Monster

102) The Return of the Loch Ness Monster

103) The Loch Ness Monster Lives

104) Revenge of the Loch Ness Monster

105) The Tour de France

106) The Horror of Evil

107) A Topic For You

108) For Steak and Kidney Pies Only

109) Lord Mike: All Singing All Dancing

110) Rat on a hot tin roof

111) Sing a song of Cheesy-Fruity things

112) SPOILA!

113) Number 7580: The Prisoner

114) Law’d and Order

115) The Salmon Pagoda

116) Intro of Madness

117) Lord Mike the Enigmatic Keeper of Enigmacy

118) Welcome to the Wet Otter!

119) Rats Ahoy!

120) The Sheeping

121) Murder!

122) Afternoon All!

123) Super Bufanda

124) Attack of the Great Big Nasty Thing

125) The Copyright Conundrum

126) The Lord Mike Summer Special

127) The Tempus Solution

128) Lord Mike and the Mink of Oblivion

129) Three Men and a Shady

130) Crime and Pun-Infringement

131) Scream of the Salsa

132) Lord Mike Goes Bananas!

133) Sheeping 2: The Wool Strikes Back!

134) The Lord Mike Christmas Special


135) Dye Another Day

136) Lord Mike and the Terror of Planet Skaro

137) Lord Mike and the Final Ending of Ultimate Finality

138) A Post-Christmas Tale

139) Lord Mike and the Happy Board

140) Doctorpussy

141) A Study in Varlets

142) A Michaelmas Carol

143) A Lord Mike Christmas Tale


144) The Ultimate Adventure of Lord Mike

145) Rattt-Attack Inc

146) The League of Ordinary Gentlemen

147) The Post Office Towering Inferno

148) Only the Good Dye Worcester Sauce

149) The Complete and Utter History of Sandwiches: A Marian Von Wer Murder Mystery

150) Lord Mike in the Most Perplexing Mystery of the Unquiet Ned

151) Lord Mike and the Genocide Auction

152) Mike Mills and the Theft of Episode 41

153) Mike Mills and the Sweedish Toymaker

154) Mike Mills and the Boom Town Rat

155) The 30 Minute Cliff-hanger Affair

156) To Kill a Rocking-Chair

157) An Unearthly Title

158) The Return of the Chedda

159) The Quacking

160) Attack of the Fuzzy Things

161) Otto and the Penguin Conspiracy

162) The Curse of the Big Nasty Thing

163) The Good, the Bad and the Bishop of Ely

164) The Evil Bread

165) The Maltese Otter

166) Ike

167) Casino Raele Reloaded

168) Mike Mills versus the Schoolmaster!

169) Michael Mills Defeats the Sludge Monster

170) Fjord

171) The Strange Case of Raeskull vs Rat

172) Star Captain and the World of the Future

173) Lobsterson

174) Puns in the Wind

175) The New Revengers

176) Brian’s 6.2

177) Penny

178) The Curious Case of the Board

179) Four to Wednesday

180) The Hound of the Basket Cases

181) A Rat About Town

182) Remembrance of the Rat’s Tricks

183) The Paul McGann Factor

184) Lampposts are for Lovers


185) A Plan for All Seasons

186) Mind Over Matter

187) The Greatest Show on the Messageboards

188) The Pi Situation

189) Four Heroes and a Wedding

190) The Dark Side of the Spoon

191) I am in Control

192) Mission: Imlaughable

193) The Strange Case of the Moth-Eater of Clapham Common

194) The Thrice Lord

195) Summat wrong’s ‘appened

196) A Highland Mystery

197) "Mind the Step"

198) Lord Mike - The Film

199) Wheels on Fire

200) Happy Times and Places

201) A Cameo Broached


202) Island of the Monkey's Curse


If you'd like to talk to some of the regular contributors to the Lord Mike Saga I suggest you seak medical help as soon as possible. Alternatively, I've included some links to their pages below;

The Enigmatic Prime Minister Lord Commander Doctor Michael K Mills MQB. An astoudingly fantastic interview with some wonderful insights into the life of this, our beloved hero can be found at A1064206

His trusted companion the knighted Sir Lance Bayliss. A mediocre (Lance: isn't that a paint colour? Mike: Shut up Lance!) interview with the person whose name most sounds like Lance Bayliss can be located at A1091882

His other trusted companion General Steven Ford (Many debates have been started over who is the more trusted/companionly). A very surreal and postmodern interview that would give Freud a heart attack has unfortunately been dropped down the back of the sofa but can now be found in the vicinity of A1091882

Lady Marian von Wer, the Iris Wildthyme to Lord Mike's Doctor (Except neither of them has ever regenerated, she doesn't traverse time and space in a London bus and he doesn't do anything similiar in a blue police box, but you get the picture!)

Emperor Martin one of his Lordship's many adversaries. An interview was Martin was recorded several decades ago, despite neither the interviewer nor the interviewee being alive then. Unfortunately the master tapes were wiped in the 70s but a reconstruction using off-air telesnaps and a bad soundtrack is available at A1135207

Master Richard, another of Lord Mike's enemies, often in cahoots with the above

Her Celestial Fragrance and Majesty Queen Pamela of the Clan Rae

His Royal Majesty King Hurricane, the retired superhero and now King of Ebookus

Super Bufanda, No. 1 fan of the Lord Mike Saga and sometimes author of his own tales

Princess Lissa, a fair princess of one of the many royal families of the Boards (though which one has never been specified) and sometimes sister of the good Lady Marian von Wer.

Also, if you wish to peruse some of the funnier lines from the many surviving Lord Mike adventures you could do worse than visit the Lord Mike Saga Quotes Directory (compiled by Steven Ford)

Alternatively, you could drop in on the Official Lord Mike Saga Homepage

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