A Conversation for Red Dwarf Exam room

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 1

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

What is you favourite quote from Red Dwarf? Post it here so everyone can remeber that sweet moment.

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 2

Existential Elevator

Cat: I'm so handsome, there's a six-month waiting list for birds to suddenly appear whenever I am near!
smiley - laugh

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 3


"You see I try sir, it's just rimmer's such a smeg head!"

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 4

Bob (aka Skutter 1) - Back from his hols and ready for SMEG

From:- "Waiting for God" Season 1, Episode 4

CAT: Hey! You can't have my shiny thing! I found it, it's my shiny thing.

RIMMER: What are you dribbling about?

CAT: (Pulls out a silver yo-yo) This is my shiny thing, and if you try and take it off me, I may have to eat you.

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 5

Researcher 251074

Tikka to Ride:

Cat: Mmmm. Chicken's good.
Lister: Yeah. Pretty good.
Kryton: That's not chicken, sirs.
Cat: Mmmm. What is it?
Kryton: Its that man we found. It seemed such a waste, just to leave him lying there when he would BBQ so beautifully....
Rimmer: He He He. One moment you're down, the next you rise back up again.

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 6

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


Queeg: OK suckers, get this into your stupid thick heads, there is only one thing i want to say to you...

Lister: What?

Holly: ...What's happenin' dudes? We are talking jape of the decade, we are talking April, May, June, July and August fool! Yes that's right, I am Queeg.

Crew: WHAT!

Holly: Queeg never existed it was me all along.

Crew: WHAT!

Holly: Wheeze of the week mate. Going round in circles for 14 months, get my information from the Junior Colour Encyclopaedia of Space. The respect you have for me is awsome, in it.

Lister: So you staged the whole thing?

Queeg: That's right suckers!

Holly: And the moral of the story is... appreciate what you've got, cos basically, I am fantastic!

smiley - rofl

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 7

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

He is Arnold Rimmer, that is his crime, it is also his punishment.

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 8

Trin Tragula

"Play hard, doss hard!"

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 9


Rimmer: I'm a smmee heee ??? -series 4 ep 1

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 10


smiley - biggrinI say we go out there and twat it!smiley - biggrin

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 11


Talkie Toaster Scene:

Lister: And another thing, he always says 'Howdlydoodlydoo'. It drives you spare, I mean what the smeg does 'Howdlydoodlydoo' mean?

Kryten: Well just trust me sir, my motives will become clear.

[Turns Talkie Toaster On]

Talkie Toaster: 'Howdlydoodlydoo!' How's it goin', I'm Talkie. Talkie Toaster your chirpy breakfast companion. Talkie's the name, toasting's the game. Anyone like any toast?

Lister: Look, I don't want any toast and he doesn't want any toast. In fact, no one around here wants any toast. Not now, not ever. No toast.

Talkie Toaster: How 'bout a muffin?

Lister: Or muffins! We don't like muffins round here. We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns, and DEFINITELY no smegging flapjacks.

Talkie Toaster: Ah! So you're a waffle man...

Lister: You see? You see what he's like? He winds me up, man, there's no reasoning with him.

Kryten: If you'll allow me sir, as one mechanical to another, he'll understand me. [To toaster] Now, you listen here, you will not offer any grilled bread products to any member of the crew. If you do, you will be on the recieving end of a very lare polo-mallet. Hmph!

Talkie Toaster: Can I ask, just one question?

Kryten: Of course...

Talkie Toaster: Does anyone want any toast?

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 12

Cloud - Altocumulus on Thursdays

"Unpack Rachel and bring out the puncture repair kit - I'm alive!" Rimmer...er, the one with the photos in.

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 13

Cloud - Altocumulus on Thursdays

Timeslides, that was it. Had to think about it for a wee while. Well, several hours actually. Okay then, a day already. What of it?

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 14

Cloud - Altocumulus on Thursdays


"....I've devised a system to revolutionise music. I've decimalised it,
Instead of the octave, it's the decative. I've invented two new notes, H and J, now it goes... doh, ray, me, fah, soh, lah, woh, boh, tee, doh...." (Holly: Kryten I think.)

Made me laugh. Hurhurgh smiley - biggrin

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 15

Cloud - Altocumulus on Thursdays

I take it its a case of 'Everybody's dead, Dave'..

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 16

Wreckage_of_a_whale (Fresh)

Rimmer: "Now... That's all I can remember"

Lister: "Where's that from then?"

Rimmer: "Richard III you moron. That speech he does at the beginning: Now...something, something, something... unforgettable."

(Marooned) (Used it in an exam once as an example of something or other, and got marks for it - all hail Arn smiley - winkeye)

Your favourite Red Dwarf quote

Post 17

Nalot of the Silver

"Anyone got a popadum the size of lake Michigan?"

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