UFO Investigator's Quiz - Answers
Created | Updated Apr 9, 2017

UFO Investigator's Quiz - Answers
UFOs over Hampshire and the Isle of Wight by Robert Price – Book Review and Quiz
If you happened upon this page by accident, it may not make a lot of sense. Please take the quiz first!
If you arrived here from the UFOs over Hampshire book review and quiz, then here are the answers.
Case 1: Answer — A Hot-Air Balloon
New Forest postwoman Wendy Rees was witnessing an attempt on the hot-air balloon world distance record by Phil Clarke of Bristol University. The craft was identified by the coastguard lookouts at Calshot and The Needles after it drifted out to sea. You can read more about balloons going up in the Edited Guide.
Case 2: Answer — The Full Moon
The frightened Andover driver finally realised he was being chased through rural Hampshire by our planet's only natural satellite. He asked to remain anonymous.
Either way, this is further proof that everything the h2g2 Post Editor writes cartoons about eventually becomes true.
Case 3: Answer — The Pleiades
The cluster of seven "stars" turned out to be, erm, a cluster of seven stars. As Galaxy Babe wrote here, "The Pleiades open star cluster is one of the most identifiable celestial objects, even for the novice astronomer". Clearly Hythe has spawned a new definition of the word 'novice'.
Case 4: Answer — The Planet Venus
The US Navy were unleashing ordnance at our nearest planetary neighbour. In their defence, Venus is particularly bright in the morning or evening sky, but, be honest, do they deserve to be defended?
Case 5: Answer — A Polythene Bag
A large one, admittedly. The Eastleigh railwayman's report prompted the airport authorities to take a closer look. The control tower's subsequent announcement reportedly caused much hilarity at the local air traffic control centre.
You can read more about plastic bags and their effect on the environment in the Edited Guide.
Further Reading…
If you'd like to go and spot some UFOs and IFOs for yourself, then the Edited Guide has some handy tips here.
Finally, don't think that Hampshire and the Isle of Wight is the only district noted for its paranormal activity. Galaxy Babe has written an excellent review of UFO activity in Lincolnshire here.

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