Super Market XXVII: The Living Delights
Created | Updated Sep 14, 2015

Flea Market Rescues on the Front Page
This month we've had a Flea Market rescue make the front page!
- The Schlieffen Plan by Bluebottle, rescuing The Schlieffen Plan by mightyluke.

Recommended Flea Market Rescues
An incredible four Flea Market rescue attempts have been recommended and are one step closer to becoming Edited.
- Doctor Who and the Terror of the Titles by SashaQ and assisted by Bluebottle, based on Doctor Who and the Terror of the Titles by Timdigital.
- What is Linear Algebra? by SashaQ, based on Linear Algebra by GTBacchus.
- Cryptography - Codes and the Zimmerman Telegram by SashaQ, rescuing Codes by Cestus.
- The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, rescued by Bluebottle and inspired by The Hanging Gardens of Babylon by Bumblebee.
Flea Market Rescues in Peer Review
We also have some new entries to Review.
And Remember...
, the Flea Market needs You!