Talking Point: Losing your Cool!

52 Conversations

A very cross person

Rage seems to be all the rage these days. Road rage, Tube1 rage, computer rage, and even pavement rage. Luckily h2g2 rage is currently unheard of.smiley - winkeye

Everyone gets angry at one time or another, but are we as a species becoming angrier? The release of adrenaline into our bodies can be very exhilarating, as the 'fight or flight' response kicks in. Flight is not always possible in our crowded towns and cities, or in our homes, and so rage becomes the way our bodies vent this intense feeling. We'd like to know if you have experienced any kind of rage, and how you coped with it.

  • Is it easier to shout and get angry then to stay calm and rational?

  • What makes you really angry?

  • Have you been a victim of someone else's anger?

  • Have you ever become so angry that you have done something that you later regretted?

  • Have you got any hints and tips for dealing with either your rage, or someone else's?

  • Have you ever 'done a John Cleese', and thrashed your motor car, or other form of transport?

  • The h2g2 Editors advice is - don't get mad, get even!


Graphic supplied by Community Artist Peet

1Not our Tube, the underground trains that run in many large cities.

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