Smiley Racing - Cheering Society

2 Conversations

Welcome to the Smiley Racing - Cheering Society

Here you will find words of wisdom spouted by Smiley Race players as they urge the racing smiley of their choice to become leader of the pack.

Me hopes you will enjoy all the fun and encouragement you find here, as the author's deserve some credit for their hard work.

If you have your own favourite Cheering Moment from a smiley race, let me know in a conversation below, and it will (hopefully) be added to the list on this page.

Thank you again for making Smiley Racing so special...
Greebo T. Cat

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The Songs

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - discosmiley - musicalnote

*Sung to the tune of 'The House of the Rising Sun'*

There was track, thats run by Greebs,

They called Race 12, it began

It could be the ruin of any poor boy,

Noddy, is the one I mean...

Now Noddy had taken, an early lead,

But it seems that it was just, a quick start

Cos the one thats causing, him misery,

is the one they call Baaarney.

Come on you lazy smiley,

Are you going to leave it there,

Let them all run past, and fail miserably

On the track thats run by Greebs.

dum diddle dum dum dum dum,

dum diddle dum dum dum dum,

dum diddle dum dum dum dum,

dum diddle dum dum dum dum,

dum diddle dum dum dum dum,

dum dum dum dum dum dum.

*And so on...*

Terran in race 12

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - discosmiley - musicalnote

*To the tune of Little by Little by Dusty Springfield....
sung crying into the checkered flag*

Little by Little by Little by Little by Little

I'm losing all my pride

I'm really getting down

My Rover at the end of the race
And there seems no way out!

Little by Little by Little by Little by Little

Little by Little, Bit by Bit

Come on Rover, it's time to git!

Little by Little, Bit by Bit

I can't stop cheering

Cause my love won't quit!

Little by Little by Little by Little by Little

Miztres in Race 12

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - discosmiley - musicalnote

*Sung to tune of 'I'm a Believer'*

I thought speed was only true in fairy tales

Meant for other smileys but not for Jack smiley - thief

Sue was out to get him

That's the way it seemed

Being too slow haunted all his dreams

But then he sped, now I'm a believer

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

He will win, I'm a believer

Jack couldn't lose if he tried

I thought speed was more or less a given thing

Seems the more he tried the less he got

What's the use in tryin'

All you get is pain

When he needed sunshine he got rain

But then he sped, now I'm a believer

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

He will win, I'm a believer

Jack couldn't lose if he tried

Ah, Sue was out to get him

Now that's the way it seemed

Being too slow haunted all my dreams

But then he sped, now I'm a believer

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

He will win, I'm a believer

Jack couldn't lose if he tried

Yes, Then he sped, now I'm a believer

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

I'm a believer, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
All sing it with me *gets others to join in*

I, believe (I'm a believer)

I, believe
People in the back

I, believe (I'm a believer)

I, believe

But then he sped, now I'm a believer

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

He will win, I'm a believer

Said I'm a believer, yeah (I'm a believer)

Said I'm a believer, yeah (I'm a believer)

(That's I'm a believer from Shrek, not the original version)

Skenvoy in Race 12

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - discosmiley - musicalnote

* Sung to the verse and chorus of 'Chariots of fire'*

Oh Rover you winner,

You've proved yourself true.

Now run for your dinner,

It's waiting for you.

The style as you race,

Past friend and foe.

Is full of the grace,

That only you know.

That only you know.

Miztres in Race 12

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - discosmiley - musicalnote

!WARNING! Country and Western Music ahead !WARNING!

*the plaintive twang of a steel guitar*

Now I want y'all to singalong, in the style of good ole' Tammy Wynette smiley - star,
so let's hear that voice crack with emotion, dy'hear?

(to the tune of Stand By Your Man)

'Sometimes it's hard to race.....a Smiley

Even though our Greebo is so good.

You'll have fast times

They'll have slow times

Cos they just aren't the mood


I'm Stan the Man!

No-one can ever beat me

Or even dare complete me

With arms and legs, and so on

I'm Stan the Man!

And if I win this racing

Some DNAs I'm gonna gaaaaaaa-iiiiiin!!



smiley - star

LuckyStar in Race 11

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The Poems and Chants

Oh Smoochy Sue!

What shall I do

To make you run more quickly?

I've fed you too much

Sweetie Lips

And now you're feeling sickly smiley - doctor

But never fear

My task is clear

I'll sprinkle you with star smiley - star dust

And you will win

This race again

And my account won't be bust!

LuckyStar in Race 12

Oh Jack the Lad

I`m feeling bad

My first bet and you`re losing

So cure my hurt

Put on a spurt

And justify my choosing

So, come on Jack

Move from the back

And show us all your class

For if you don't

(or maybe won't)

I`ll boot you up the a**e smiley - grr

Lurcher in race 12

This Lad called Jack

Gets all the flak

From me and others to.

But if he wins

For all his sins

We'll love him through and through

Egon in race 12

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