Created | Updated Jun 22, 2003

The h2g2 Real-time Summer Party is almost here! Saturday July 7 will see at least 70 h2g2ers either amusing themselves around the BBC Experience or downing drinks of the alcoholic or non-alcoholic variety at the Ship & Shovell, 1 - 3 Craven Passage, WC2. The BBC have kindly provided a number of free tickets for the experience. If you haven't already done so, then rush along to sign up here.
Some plotting is also afoot! Want to join in the fun and games? Plotting and Scheming is the place for you!Meet in Scotland.
July 21st appears to be the date settled upon and debate is still ongoing as to the venue, although The Glasgow Science Centre seems the popular vote at the moment.
Add your thoughts, ideas, observations and abuse In this forum
Look... maybe the Towers might even be there!If 'The Smoke' is not exactly the easiest place in the world for you to get to, why not consider the Flat Cap and Muffler Club Spring Outing... otherwise known as the Great Northern Meet. It is for anyone interested in beer or coffee and a few laughs... whippets and black puddings optional! The Meet will be held on the 4th August at the Trafford Centre, Manchester; there's bowling, drinking and all sorts of food available.
Times, directions and place to be announced later.
So far 23 h2g2ers have signed up for this meet including three itallics and are busy brushing up their thee's and tha's for the occasion.
Sign up in This forum.
Abi is up to something!
The secret was out over at Abi's Community Activities page this week when the The E o E B & C Pages was revealed to be an 'End of Exams' party. Much drinking and frivolity continue!
Hot on the heels of this excitement was the emergence of the Virtual Wimbledon pages. Not only were new 'smileys' introduced to the delight of all, but also a Frilly Knicker Shop seems to have attracted a lot of interest.
Other pages picked out for a mention by Abi this week include Write about Wimbledon!Footy Quiz and Trivia Zone and on the same theme The Virtual Supporters' Club. Also worth a look is the National Vegetarian Week Party.
Join Now!
Linus is pushing for a 'cheers' smiley to enhance the various drinking establishments scattered throughout h2g2. Why not drop over to the The campaign for a 'cheers' smiley page and register your interest!
The Search for Missing Researcher Tummyfish
The researcher, also known as Tummyfish has gone missing leaving his fish unfed and lots of Researchers who want to adopt a fish kept waiting. Read all about it Here
h2g2 South African Researchers
If you live in, or class yourself as a, South African, then go along to the h2g2 South African Researchers page and introduce yourself to the others!
Musicians Wanted!
The h2g2 Musicians Guild is the place to go if you are a musician or a music lover. A wonderful site to visit with the opportunity to join in on many and various collaborative efforts.
The Mark Moxon Appreciation Society
Why not drop along to The Official Mark Moxon Fanclub site and register your appreciation of this hard-working itallic. Go on... you know you want to!
Ever wondered if you shared your birthday with someone famous? Want to know when a friend on h2g2 celebrates their birthday, so you can arrange a surprise virtual party or just send them greetings through the h2g2 messenger service? (see below!)
Look no further! Some Bloke has a great series of pages which give you the information you seek! Just visit the All New Researchers' Birthday Page.
Hermes Messenger Service
Do you want to send anyone on h2g2 a declaration of love, anonymous or otherwise, a birthday greeting or any other message? If so, why not visit the Hermes Messenger Service. All requests will be considered and forwarded to user pages within h2g2.
All entries for this feature should be mailed to shazzPRME. Please mark the subject 'Announcements'.