A Message from the Minister of S&T

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Good day to my fellow Researchers! Just the Minister for Science & Technology and h2g2 Ambassador to San Beta here. Erm, in case you didn't know, it's me, Professor Christopher Tonks...

Anyway, yes, hello. I thought I'd just write to you all using the best media possible on h2g2 - The Post of course - to inform you of various matters going on at the Ministry I work at.

My Position

First of all, you may need to be notified that I, the good Professor, am now the Minister for Science & Technology as well as the h2g2 Ambassador to San Beta, and have been for quite a while. I work directly with President Peregrin and Vice President Bluebottle to help keep this Government in better condition than the US one. smiley -

All this work is of course on top of my other jobs as GalaGroup Overseer to the very group of six galaxies that I am Ambassador to - San Beta - and scientist. In case you didn't now, I live on the Space Station Big C, which is unfortunately off-grounds to the general public, apart from one place...

The Ministry

Yes, finally the Ministry for Science & Technology has been given a home on its page. It's deep inside the Space Station (not to be confused with the Space Centre if you please), inside a kind of temporal vortex. This has the benefits of stopping anyone from getting into the rest of the Station (just a precautionary measure you see) and allows me to expand the Ministry's size with minimal fuss. It's also something for people to goggle at, as it truly is a technological masterpiece, in fitting with the Ministry's title.

The service it currently offers is... well, it's a Ministry isn't it, so it does all the things you'd expect it to do - answer questions and queries, help people out in situations relating to its title, work with the rest of the Virtual Cabinet for a better life, and so on. It's in control of all things technological, so everyone on h2g2 has to abide by it. Naturally, laws are passed there, but only with the approval of the President or his Vice. We don't want anyone putting up a ban on toasters just because they burnt their fingers trying to get the toast out with a knife, now do we?

Anyway, if you want to find out what's going on in h2g2's world of Science, you should head over there ASAP! We'll be putting up any interesting news we find from both RL and VR, so you'll always stay up-to-date!

The Embassy

Why, h2g2 has to have an Embassy for somewhere doesn't it? I mean we don't want it to be alone in the Universe after all. And seeing as how I am GalaGroup Overseer to this absolutely massive group of six galaxies (and one that's right at the top of the Treaty of Multi-Political Hierarchies), I thought it only proper to become Ambassador to San Beta. The benefits are truly amazing! For example, you can pop along to the Embassy to find out the latest happenings in the Governmental Committee, and find out how the San Betian Government works. We can use their knowledge to improve our own lives as well, as I know that various systems of San Beta are perfectly willing to let us import some of their native work, and these things can be of huge profit to us.

Our aims at the Embassy are of course to develop a better understanding of each other's general cultures, and to develop ties between the two places. Sadly though, continuity restricts me from letting any of you actually go to San Beta, but hey - my RL mind has the whole GalaGroup hidden within it!

So, if you want to find out anything about the GalaGroup, or want to arrange imports of something from there, please head straight over to the Embassy.

Project: h2g2 VR

Yep - I'm now about to embark on a Project. It was originally planned for the h2g2 University of Life, but was rejected on perfectly reasonable grounds. Be that as it may, I thought it was about time I did something proper for the Guide, and this time it's big. It's still about my speciality, VR, though, but this time I'm willing to let other people help me. The Project aims to create a guide to everyone who wants to live a life in VR.

We all have a life in RL, though some may not like to admit this, and I have quite a full life in VR as well. This guide would cover all the subjects like how RL and VR both work, how posts should be structured, how to set up h2g2 Community pages, and continuity. Though the latter may already have been written about, it still deserves going over and improving on, and that's what I aim to do.

Hence, if you fell that you could contribute to it in any way, please get in contact with myself at the Project Page. It will be starting on the 4th of February.

My Departure

I'm sorry to have to say this, but I'm moving away from h2g2 for a while. Fear not though, as it's only for a week (you'll hardly miss me), and I'm heading to my homeland San Beta for a touch of relaxation.

Now then, the problem with this is that I'm taking the Space Station Big C with me, so you may think it'll be hard to get to the Ministry and Embassy. However, this should not be a crisis, as the temporal vortex containing it will remain behind, and seeing as the only way to get into it was by teleporting anyway, it won't be any difference.

The Space Station page will of course stay where it is, so if you want to get in touch with me while I'm there, you may do so over the comms link on the page. But why would you want to talk to me? Well, I'm currently taking orders from people who would like me to bring back various things from San Beta with me. Fear not, as it will not cost you a thing - consider it a gift from the Embassy! If you want to place an order, please head over to either the Embassy, or Lil's Atelier (though if you go to the latter could you please stop and talk, as it's greatly appreciated).

I will be heading off to the GalaGroup on the 28th of this month, so I advise you to hurry!

Another thing...

Hehe...I just had to do this:

My personal RL website, The Big C Domain, has undergone some reworking, and is currently looking really hoopy. If you want to find out about my book charting the travels of my VR self, "Life of a GalaGroup Overseer", or if you want to see my latest artwork from hand or 3DS Max, do head over there at some point!

Anyway, that's it from me, your Minister for Science & Technology, so I bid you, have a very nice week!

Professor Christopher Tonks

GO of SB, M of S&T, A to SB

22.01.01. Front Page

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