A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice


Post 21


You're certain it's not just his nickname?
He has described himself as being /a/ greb? Not just Greb?


Post 22

Researcher 185550

yeah cos there's this bit of graffiti in some place that says 5th form = Grebs . It's not just a nickname, I'm sure of that. He's constructing a gothic park bench by the way, sprayed black with nails superglued on to it. It's at his house and he's gonna have to run with it through the middle of town, which could be funny.


Post 23


smiley - laugh Nice!

Why does he have to carry it through town? Where would he take it? Why run?


Post 24

Researcher 185550

Near a memorial. He has to run so as not to get caught.


Post 25


smiley - huh It's his bench, right? If so, what does it matter if he gets caught? It's not illegal to take your own bench for a walk.

Unless the point is for it to turn up mysteriously, without anyone knowing who put it there? smiley - huh

Incedentally, two friends of mine asked me to help them carry a bed across town last night. I waited for them until about 11, when I got a phone call saying that we should probably do it tomorrow night (now tonight), because they ended up shagging. smiley - cross
Hopefully tonight, then. I've been waiting for ages to do this bed mission.

I'll let you know if anything interesting happens on the way. We expect at least to have some funny looks when we stop for a rest in the middle of a bridge. smiley - weird


Post 26

Researcher 185550

The reason he has to run so as not to get caught is that it's not his bench. He just "borrowed" it to "improve" it.


Post 27


Fair enough, then.

(PS. The bed mish didn't happen. smiley - grr )


Post 28

Researcher 185550

Maybe you should carry placards or sandwich boards or something like that saying "Bed Liberation Front" if it ever happens.


Post 29


smiley - laugh

Or maybe 'the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Beds'!


Post 30

Researcher 185550

Handing out leaflets citing artrocities comitted against beds, such as being bounced on, being slept on, being kept in close proximity to persons with infectious diseases, and at the end pointing out that beds are people too. smiley - laugh


Post 31


Yep! Exactly! smiley - laugh
A friend of mine a few years ago did exactly that, but with vegetables instead! I think I can remember most of the pamphlet...
Let's see...

"...Let me tell you a little about our organisation. We, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Vegetables, first registered in 1992, when it was first discovered that vegetables are people too. We have since made it our mission to inform the public about businesses and people in the community who are known to be involved in the mistreating, mishandling, and general abuse of vegetables. This can involve not only slicing, dicing, cutting, pureeing, and jullienneing; but also chewing, masticating or swallowing them. This is well known to cause the vegetables concerned both great emotional trauma and permanent physical scarring, and MUST BE STOPPED AT ALL COSTS.

Recent activities of the Society have included picket lines (well, almost a line) outside prominent restaurants and salad bars, flyer drops around the CBD of many major cities, and the public disgracing of those known to be either unrepentant vegetable abusers, those who routinely eat vegetables, those who have been known to eat vegetables, those who are roumoured to eat vegetables routinely, or those who are roumoured to have eaten vegetables.
Finally, we went door-knocking in order to raise some funds for the upcoming campaigns of the society.

In the future, we hope to do some more door knocking, as at the moment the society still has a desperate shortage of funds, believed to be linked to an unsympathetic public response on our last door knocking day, for some reason."

I can't remember much more of it, and I'm sure I've forgotten the best bits, but you get the idea. smiley - winkeye


Post 32

Researcher 185550

smiley - laugh

Pity. Could do an entry on it.


Post 33


I had a copy of his pamphlet somewhere, but I think it accidentally got thrown out somewhere along the line.
Also there's not much point doing an entry at this stage, as I'm moving next week and I don't know when I'll have access to the 'net again. I'll think about it for when I get another connection, though.


Post 34

Researcher 185550



Post 35

Researcher 185550

AHA! I think I have the definition for a Greb! It is Goth mixed with Punk. The idea came after seeing the abundance of safety pins that Grebs use... anywhere.


Post 36

Twenty-First Century Schizoid Man

Goth and Punk. Hmmm. HEY if Rob Zombies a musical goth then...

MOTH ZOMBIE!! ROB MOTHIE!!! Sorry. Sugar high.


Post 37

Twenty-First Century Schizoid Man

Roth Mombie!! Moth Rombie!! hehe


Post 38

Researcher 185550

The bench guy has turned goth. He leaves school in his entirely black- of course clothes to go into town on friday looking a bit like Neo, so it's great fun to yell "WAAAAAAAAKEE UPPPPPPPPP" and "there is no spoon" at him and that sort of thing.


Post 39


hi i am a greb and i will tell you what the diffence is Grebs are just people that listen to rock music and wear hoodies. We arent freaks!!!! Some grebs cut themselves and some dont. all grebs do is skateboard and stuff like that. They are just normal people but they just express thereselves more.


Post 40


I am a greb and we arent freaks!!!! we r just normal people that listen to rock music and not all of us cut ourselves and take drugs and do stuff like that. we would rather go skateboarding!!!!! and just because we wear baggy clothes it doesnt mean that we do stupid stuff!!!

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