A Conversation for Goth - a Lifestyle Choice

the subject formerly known as Grebs

Post 161

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Where do you work? and more importantly, what do you /want/ to be doing instead?

I missed that entry when I've been looking at your space; don't know how I managed that. I'll try to find you on msn messenger... I'll be easy to spot, 'coz the name I use there is almost the same as here.

I know the smiley was a crying face, but with the '1' in front of it it looked like a penguin.

smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

the subject formerly known as Grebs

Post 162

Evoot - Back in Black!!

im only on messenger 9-4 british time

smiley - sadface

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