The Post 2A 21.07.05 - 24.11.05
Created | Updated Jul 21, 2006
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Awix can't think of anything to write, but there is some interestingly provoking poetry in this issue, whether it be from Khamsin, Madam Cone or orland_fank (we always need a bit of commentary on the cut-throat corporate world!). B appears to be making some excellent souvlaki. Glastonbury, with good cause (the thing did just occur), features prominently in this issue: Roymondo includes his report of the event and the Bookworms review a book about the history of the festival. And echomikeromeo criticises anyone and everyone on hootoo (including herself) as she diagnoses the 'What Would Douglas Do?' Syndrome.
Meanwhile, Smudger is hot, quizzical isn't planning a jihad, NotScientific yawns, Awix goes to war, tjm is travelling, Hypatia is flexible (with lasagna!) and the CAC Continuum is feeling decidedly poetic.
The Post Team announce that summer is finally here and pack their bags for a well-deserved break for the rest of August. Smudger tries to adjust but Rev Jack has trouble with a roll of film and a supermarket. Awix reviews Fantastic Four and The Bookworms Islomania.
Reef gives the low-down on The Tour De France and Roymondo the wet-down on Glastonbury. Broelan tells of her new arrival while, in the fiction section, Knolly and Terry continue their epic journeys. Regulars, a book review of Past Mortem and poems complete the line-up.
Pretty much everyone being gone for the summer hols, Awix alone remains to hold down the fort. As such, The Post presents a clip show of sorts, with plenty of classics from the old days. Classics like 1-2-1 and h2g2 Life feature, as do more recent episodes from The Cranky Gardener, Smudger Snippets and Not Scientific Science.
Of course, though, no issue of The Post would be complete without brand-new material: a Bookworm Club Review, 24 Lies a Second, the Corner of Chaos and a poem by Cyzaki.
Reefgirl settles into the editorial chair, and we also welcome Terran, Cartoons Editor, as the coloured panels make their well-received return with Platypus Dancing and an exclusive panel by Terran. Blue Bird contributes a poem and Sprout a story; Kath explains bathing in the British Isles and Dr Anthea gets married!Douglas Adams' brother and sister are planning to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in his memory, while the Scottish Researchers Group have instead been propping up the bar at their last meet.
Meanwhile, everyone else is hard at work running with scissors, lying 24 times per second and generally having adventures.
echomikeromeo proudly launches forth on her first address to the masses as we open this week's edition of The Post. Unfortunately, though, this issue also brings with it the announcement of the death of several a/k/a random, a former Post sports columnist. quizzical has written a tribute.
Other than that, normalcy is, strangely, maintained somewhat. Kath explains Eurovision to Americans, the Corner of Chaos keeps its entropic status and my, those platypi are certainly dancing. Knolly and the Legacy of Terry Horowitz also continues, and our regular contributors are holding forth as ever.
The Post urges all h2g2 Researchers to be patriotic and head to the polls, as the second-ever h2g2 election looms. All the regulars are holding forth as ever, but in the meantime the party political broadcasts somewhat overshadow the Features section: everyone from Hypatia to 2Legs to Gnomon to Terran to Mina has broadcast their broadcast. LeRue has given us the inside gossip on the fight for power, as well, giving the scoop on all the candidates.
In the meantime, Reefgirl makes shortbread, Galaxy Babe tells us about bird flu, Kath explains cricket and EMR celebrates her first birthday.
The election results are in! Gnomon and 2legs have placed high on the list, but Hypatia has emerged a clear winner with 54% of the vote. Rumours of election scandal abound, but the truth is always out there ... or so you think.
A lot of poetry this week, whether from summerbayexile, Flamestrike or ~jwf~. Dr Anthea regales us with her wedding plans, but sobering thoughts come from Galaxy Babe's article on the Soham tragedy and Grieving Godmother's on drug abuse. However, it's difficult to be sober for long because ... (oh, God!) another meet is afoot!1 This time the Flat Cap and Mufflers Club is in Dublin, and Granny Weatherwax gives us the report.
echomikeromeo departs on a decidedly autumnal editorial this week, announcing cooler temperatures, the proximity of Halloween and the creation of the Young Researchers' Club. quizzical is celebrating the season with a Halloween cartoon and Kat, in addition to creating the YRC, has written the chillingly sombre story 'Nikolas'. KTAvon discusses cricket, Lucky Star climbs Mount Sinai and Salaam2u makes a pilgrimage. Sore Throat, The Post's political correspondent, is still uncovering scandal in the wake of the h2g2 Presidential Election.
Meanwhile, the regulars are all still hard at work: TonsilRevenge, Smudger, NotScientific, Kath Dixon-Donnelly, Egon, Tony2Times, Hypatia, quizzical, the CAC and even Knolly provide us with interesting material as always.
Reefgirl writes her last editorial this week, leaving echomikeromeo in charge of The Post. In addition to a new Editor, there are a few new writers this week: thirtytwo and Midnightreddragon have both written creative pieces, while Elentari has begun her reports as a fresher at the University of York.
Other than that, business continues much as usual, from Platypus Dancing and Evil Army of H2G2 to Running With Scissors and Rev Jack's Diary to Sore Throat's latest dispatch and the log of the Scottish Researchers' Group Halloween Meet. As always, on h2g2 and at the SRG meets, mass hilarity ensues.
echomikeromeo proudly writes her first editorial as Editor of The Post, this time wishing all Researchers a happy American Thanksgiving. There is a new graphic competition afoot, this time to celebrate The Post's 6th birthday. Other people concerned with the non-Internet world will note that a certain film came out previous to this week's issue — Elentari tells all about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Gnomon has been to Venice and tells his story, Orange has taken dance lessons and tells his story, and AlexAshman appears to be organising a fireworks display and is also telling his story.
These are not the only stories afoot this week, though, because Smudger's story of his experience in the 'cyber world', Kath's story of her experience in English pubs, NotScientific's story concerning a new Internet phenomenon and, of course, the further adventures of Knolly all feature this week.