h2g2 Post 04.08.05

3 Conversations

Posted: 4th August 2005


Going Where The Sun Shines Brightly

Welcome one and all to another edition of the h2g2 community newspaper, written by the witty, read by the wise, and edited by... er, well, best not to go into that I suspect! This issue we have the usual selection of fiction, regular columns, and feature articles. Regular readers will be aware that this is usually the point at which I apologise for the lack of cartoons, and you will be glad to hear that this issue is no exception - but thanks to the heroic efforts of Terran, this may be about to change. Keep your fingers crossed.

As you may have noticed it is currently summer in the northern hemisphere, a time of year when many folk go on holiday (or vacation, if they prefer). The Post Team is no exception to this and fully two thirds of the editorial staff are on holiday in mid-August. Because of this we have decided to take a short summer break and skip the next issue. The next Post will thus make an appearance on or around the 2nd of September, and material for it should be sent to the Post Team email address by midday GMT on the 28th of August, please. In the meantime there is still our extensive archive of old articles for you to explore, should you find yourselves in desperate need of your fortnightly fix.

Enjoy this edition of the Post.


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