h2g2 Post 27.10.05

4 Conversations

Posted: 27th October 2005


Dont' talk to me about life

Life. Don't talk to me about life. There aren't enough hours in the day, that's what's the problem. How can they expect me to do my schoolwork and still get everything on h2g2 done? I've started getting up half an hour early to check my email and catch up on the backlog before I go to school, and as a result, of course, I've become relatively sleep-deprived. So are we all, I suppose.

However, if you're a kid and life is getting you down, you needn't worry, because there's a new hootoo group that you can talk to! The Young Researchers' Club has been given a revamp by Kat and now promises to be a delightful haven for all us young types in a sea of adults. If you're under 18 and want to chat, head on over!

Halloween approacheth! My sister is carefully planning her costume and my mother has stocked up on the candy. Several Researchers have anagrammed their names in honour of the holiday. And even the weather in southern California has made a turn towards autumn. It's currently 16°C (cool by our standards) but the house is freezing and I'm wearing a sweater. Ah, bliss.smiley - pumpkin

Enjoy this week's edition of The Post!


P.S. Please can you get items for the next issue to us by Sunday 6th November. The deadline has been extended to Sunday Night rather than Lunchtime. Send all items to the Post Team Email. We'll take anything you think h2g2 should know about.





  • Nikolas

  • A story from Kat, the new head of the Young Researchers Club









  • Wordsearch

  • Find the characters from the Simpson's. Altogether now D'OH!!









  • From Our Correspondent

  • More election scandal from Sore Throat (Disclamer: This is supposed to be a bit of fun and not meant to be taken seriously)

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