Complete Index of Demonology
Created | Updated Jan 30, 2005
Hi all and welcome to the index of all the witches, warlock, demons, vampires and general oogly booglies that have ventured into Sunnydale and probably wished they hadn't!!
This is a current work in progress so bear with us and we promise it will be completed soon!!
This is a joint effort between myself and Xander.
As we've both been working on this at the same time, there are many pages to look through and I've not gone mad and put links up for the same page many times. Please have a look through the links and enjoy!
Demons 2
Witches + Sorcerers
Werewolves, Shape-shifters + Primals
Ghosts + Spirits
Miscellaneous Bad Guys 1
Miscellaneous Bad Guys 2
The First