The First Evil

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The First

First became known to Buffy when it tried to convince Angel to try and kill her, however it mis-fired when Angel was unable to kill her and instead decided to kill himself, but he was saved at the last minute by Buffy and some rather timely weather.

The First again appeared due to the mystical alignments being shifted in the favour of good, due to Buffy being bought back from the dead (again), this shift gave The First the opportunity to break free from his dimentional barriers and start raising an army of Ubervamps.

He haunted the slayer, the scoobies and potentials for a number of months, with the ability to take the guise of dead people and their personalities.
His reign of terror came to an end in a huge final battle, with the help of some magycks from Willow, that gave all of the potentials the powers of a slayer and the help of an amulet, which was worn by Spike. Even though they were victorious, it came at a price with the deaths of many of the potentials, Anya and Spike

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