Demons (page 2)

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Halfrek: Like Anyanka, Halfrek (or Hally) is also a vengeance demon, although she does consider herself to be a little more well rounded than Anyanka, granting wishes to anyone who has been wronged. She appeared as Anyanka's only friend in earlier episodes and seemed to keep out of trouble.
When Dawn feels she is being ignored, Halfrek takes the form of a guidance counciller at Sunnydale High and Dawn wishes that people would; "just stop going away", a wish that she grants, trapping everyone inside the Summers' home. When called, she appears and gets skewered by a sword wielding demon. Thankfully, this doesn't kill her and she has to reverse the spell to get out of the house.
There was some indictation that Hally knew Spike but the extent of their relationship was never revealed. When Anya displeases D'Hoffryn, she offers her life as penance, he instead opts to destroy Halfrek.

D'Hoffryn: D'Hoffryn's exact title is unclear although he seems to be the head vengeance demon, granting the power of the Wish to those he feels worthy and revoking it from those who misuse, or don't use their gift. When Oz leaves Willow, her pain is so loud that D'Hoffryn feels she would make a fine vengeance demon, she turns him down, but he see's her potential for destructing long before anyone else! Although he claims not to have favourites among his demons, Anyanka does seem to mean a great deal to him.

Kathy Newman: kathy is Buffy's roommate when she starts college, at first she seems to be nothing more than a neat, control and perky freak. But when Buffy starts dreaming of a demon force feeding her blood, she starts to think that Kathy may somehow be involved. The longer this continues, the more irrational Buffy becomes, he friends think that the stresses in her life are pushing her over the edge. It turns out that Kathy is a demon who is sucking Buffy's soul from her in order to stay in this dimension. Kathy's demon father, Tapparich arrives as Buffy's soul is returning and he chastises his errant child and flings her into a dimensional portal and takes her home.
We assume that she is still grounded, as she's never been seen or heard from again.

Ken: Ken, like most 'hidden' demons, starts out nice enough. He had an ulterior motive though, he is luring people to a large house, with the promise of a hot meal and friendly ear. Only when they get there, he transports them, via some sort of black goo, into another dimension. Here, time passes much quicker and the people are stripped of their identity and made to work until they drop. Then they will be returned to die (of old age) in their own dimension. Buffy is enraged by this and destroys Ken.

Lurconis: Lurconis is a huge snake-like demon who hides out in the sewers and is fed new born babies as a tribute. He dies pretty quickly as he has no limbs to defend himself against the Slayer. Buffy sets fire to him.

Hans and Greta Strauss: These innocent children are merely a guisse for a darker, and uglier, demon who originates from Germany, or a German speaking area. He feed on "fostering persecution and hatres among the mortal animals." which he does every 50 years, always assuming the guise of the same children and revealing the manner of their death to cause outrage. As the children, he convinces the adults to create mayhem so he can feed. Buffy stakes him through the neck with the stake she is tied to in preparation to be burnt.

Telepaths: While on patrol, Buffy encounters 2 of these mouthless demons and whilst fighting them gets demon goo on her hand. She kills one but the other escapes. The goo causes the host to manifest and aspect of the demon, in Buffy's case, telepathy. In order to cure this she needs the heart of the other demon, which Angel dutifully fetches for her thus killing the remaining demon.

Mayor Richard Wilkins III: Although not always a physical demon, the mayor is never completely human. We know he is over 100 years old and sold his soul, to whom is not clear. In his human state the mayor is invincible and has to go through many rituals, such as eating deadly spiders to prepare for his ascension into demonhood. He turns into a snake-like demon, (different from Lurconis) and research indicates that he is pretty unstoppable, the last known demon of this type was killed in molten lava and as Western California is lacking in volcanoes the Scoobies must concoct another plan to kill him. Using Buffy as bait, they lure him into the library that is full of explosives and turn him into "mayor-meat" by blowing him, and subsequently the school up!

Doc: At first glance, Doc seems to be a helpful demon although not always in the fight for good he does provide people with the mystical information they need. He advises Dawn on a resurrection spell to bring her mum forth from the grave.
His true demon nature is revealed in the 5th season when Glory is sidetracked from bleeding Dawn. He assumes this role and when attacked by Spike, he knocked him off the crane before beginning the ritual to bleed Dawn. Buffy finally gets up there and pushes him nonchalantly off the edge. Doc's origin was never specified. He had a tail and a rather bizarre way of blinking.

Hitchhiker: This noncarporial demon is a side effect, created when the Scoobies brought Buffy back from the dead. Being noncarporial, this demon was difficult to kill, and it's intention was to kill Buffy in order to gain form. However, Willow and Tara cast a spell and kicked its ass!

Sweet: Easily the most suave and sophisticated demon ever to hit Sunnydale. He was summoned with his talisman and brought songs, dances and spontanious human combustion. With Dawn wearing the talisman, he believes that it was she who summoned him and is intent on taking her back to his dimension to make her his Queen. Unfortunately for him, it was Xander who summoned him, hoping for a happy ending and Sweet has to admit defeat. He vanishes with a smile and a song, never to be seen again.

Wedding demon: On Xander and Anya's wedding day, an elderly man claiming to be Xander's future self arrives with a vision of Xander's future. The magicks he uses scare Xander so much that he calls off the wedding. It transpires that he wasn't Xander's future self but a man that Anyanka turned into a demon. He came to exact revenge and ruin her life as she ruined his. His plan backfired when Buffy strangled him with a wedding veil.

Clem: Clem is one of the few demons who has never wronged Buffy or anyone. The type of demon Clem is was never revealed although he has been called "Demon with too much skin" which is a pretty fair description of him. A light hearted and good natured fellow, Clem was always willing to help out when he could, providing 'taste-test' entertainment for Dawn. Clem was last seen fleeing Sunnydale to get away from The First.

Demonology Index

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